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Думки американських євангельських християн щодо України розділилися
Кандидати від Республіканської партії пропонують потенційним виборцям взаємовиключні аргументи.
Мнения американских евангельских христиан по Украине разделились
Кандидаты от Республиканской партии предлагают потенциальным избирателям взаимоисключающие доводы.
Mientras Erdoğan se muestra provocador con respecto a Gaza, los cristianos turcos prefieren la paz
En medio del centenario de la república secular, Erdoğan inaugura una nueva e importante iglesia. Los cristianos locales analizan la postura de esta sociedad musulmana sobre Palestina.
American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation
Christians can love America—with all of its flaws and failures—precisely because we don’t expect it to be the kingdom of God.
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.
The Bulletin Episode 55|52min
Not on Our Watch
Laws restrict pornography access, the Supreme Court codifies its ethics, and pro-life advocates look for what’s next.
Be Afraid Episode 7|51min
It’s Coming from Inside the House
Possessed dolls and found footage.
Displaced from Israel Border, Lebanese Christians Wrestle with Whom to Blame
As limited clashes with Hezbollah threaten to expand Israel’s war against Hamas, local Presbyterians and Baptists suffer a battle not of their making.
Skeptical of Politicians and Parties, Gen Z Isn’t Pumped for the 2024 Race
But on Christian campuses, first-time voters are still trying to find their own ways to engage the issues.
Pastores se preguntan qué pasó con los miembros de sus iglesias que no regresaron después de la pandemia
Una nueva investigación muestra que el desacuerdo con las políticas de las iglesias en respuesta al COVID-19 provocó cambios en la asistencia, pero «hay mucho que sigue siendo un misterio».
Christians Can’t Fix the Israel-Hamas War
Jesus could end this crisis. His followers almost certainly can’t.
Chinese House Churches Find Hope for Gospel Growth Amid Post-Pandemic Turmoil
As China deals with economic woes, religious restrictions, and mass exodus, ministries see an opportunity.
Viral JesusEpisode 96|46min
Dorcas Cheng-Tozun: Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul
Christian activism isn’t just for the loud and outspoken. There’s room for quiet and introverted personalities too.
Theology of Provocation: Portuguese Pastor Explains Why ‘Everything I Do Is Clickbait’
Tiago Cavaco insists he has a greater purpose than entertaining, amusing, or trolling Christians.
The Imprudence of ‘Dump Them’
Online pop psychology has a simple solution to every relationship problem. Love and prudence call us to something messier—and better.
The Dangers of a Psychedelic Gospel
Psychotropic drugs are often marketed as a gateway to spiritual encounters. But what are the risks to believers?

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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