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A Theoblogical Revolution
Billy Graham's vision goes from print to online, then back again.
Blogging for Jesus
RealLivePreacher.com: A virtual goes to print.
New Kids on the Blog
Plus: Links to a record-breaking 429 religion stories on gay marriage in Massachusetts, San Francisco, and the Church of England, a Ten Commandments resurgence, The Passion of The Christ, and even a few topics Weblog hasn't beat to death already.
The Blogosphere's Favorite Real Live Preacher
The author of RealLivePreacher.com instant messages about the sudden success of his weblog.
Costly Complaints
Southern Baptist pastor claims blog criticism led mission board to recommend his removal.
Domain Game: Can Jews for Jesus Win Its Google Suit?
It's not clear whether group has right to trademark in subdomains.
Pastor/Blogger Says Hebrew Prof's Gender Cost Her Tenure at Seminary
Southwestern Baptist's board chair calls hiring a "momentary lax of the parameters."
My Ministry Space
Youth pastors track popular networking website.
Not-So-Quiet Time
Slate's David Plotz blogs about the Bible's many surprises.
The Death of Blogs
Well, some of them, anyway.
Critic Censured
Trustee suspended from mission board for airing closed-door activities.
Censured Southern Baptist Critic Resigns
Wade Burleson resigned Tuesday after International Mission Board suspended him over blog's criticism.
Blogging the Bible
A Harvard-educated reformed Jew grapples with the Old Testament.
Blogs: A Window to Our Souls
What does your Internet personality say about you?
Boycotting Bloggingheads
Reaction to an Intelligent Design debate shows limit to public discussion.
Intellectual Blog Feast
Matthew Lee Anderson's online ruminations go deep.
Bloggers Target Seminary President
Liberty's Ergun Caner accused of false statements in his testimony about converting from Islam.
Participant First
L. L. Barkat creates in the context of online community.
Not Many of You Should Presume to Be Bloggers
How social media changed theological debate.
The False Intimacy of Dating in the Digital Age
Why I stopped Google stalking my suitors.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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