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Pastores se preguntan qué pasó con los miembros de sus iglesias que no regresaron después de la pandemia
Una nueva investigación muestra que el desacuerdo con las políticas de las iglesias en respuesta al COVID-19 provocó cambios en la asistencia, pero «hay mucho que sigue siendo un misterio».
Des pasteurs s’interrogent à propos des membres qui ne sont pas revenus après la pandémie.
Une nouvelle étude montre que les divergences quant à la gestion du COVID-19 ont affecté la fréquentation des églises. Mais « beaucoup de choses restent mystérieuses ».
Younger Pastors Took the Brunt of the COVID-19 Burden
New research shows most ministers under 34 saw job responsibilities change and worried about their mental health.
Why Prison Ministries Are Growing
Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.
Billions in Federal Aid Helped Christian Orgs Survive the Pandemic
A CT analysis of federal data shows that ministries received about $7 billion in forgiven PPP loans, with about a third of US churches receiving funding.
Pandemic Restrictions Had No Lasting Effect on Churches, Study Finds
Even in states where regulations were severe, most congregations moved on quickly.
Por que muitas pessoas nunca mais voltaram para suas igrejas após a pandemia?
Uma nova pesquisa mostra algumas questões que afetaram a frequência aos cultos, mas “muito desse sumiço ainda é um mistério”.
Pastors Wonder About Church Members Who Never Came Back Post-Pandemic
New research shows disagreement over COVID-19 policies drove changes in attendance, but “a lot of it is a mystery.”
COVID-19 Hit Black Churches Harder, but They Weathered It Better
New research shows how Black churches suffered during the pandemic. But these congregations also found unity where others were torn apart.
15 Percent of Churches Laid Off Staff in COVID-19. Many Are Still Looking for Work.
For some, pandemic firing prompted a turn to secular employment.
What the US Can Learn from PEPFAR
Researcher Deborah Birx, former head of the now-embattled Bush program, thinks US churches can fight diseases like African churches fought HIV/AIDS.
Kebangkitan Kaum ‘Umms’
Tidak seperti kaum “nones” dan “dones,” banyak orang Kristen yang dekat dengan gereja ingin kembali ke gereja lokal—tetapi mereka merasa terjebak.
It’s Time to Forgive Each Other Our Pandemic Sins
As the COVID-19 emergency ends, the church can lead the world into a spirit of amnesty.
Devemos manter a transmissão ao vivo do culto presencial?
Os crentes que optam pelo culto online percebem o que estão perdendo?
Des exilés en chemin pour la maison
Nous aspirons tous au passage miraculeux du désert à la sécurité, de l’exil à la maison.
Orang Buangan di Sepanjang Perjalanan Pulang
Kita merindukan kepindahan ajaib dari padang belantara ke tempat yang aman, dari pengasingan kepada kepemilikan.
Exiles All the Way Home
We all yearn for the miraculous movement from wilderness to safety, and exile to belonging.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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