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Christian History

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John WesIey's last letter from his deathbed
The tragic economics of the slave trade.
From the Editor - Fishing for Compassion
the most malignant evil of the British Empire ceased largely because of the faith and persistence of William Wilberforce.
The Christian History Timeline by Sarah Williams
The Clapham Sect was one of the most elite and effective bands of Christian social reformers—ever
The Clapham Sect's impact in India—and the world.
Little-known or remarkable facts about William Wilberforce and the Century of Reform
Lord Shaftesbury and William Gladstone, like Wilberforce, had Christ in their hearts and politics in their blood.
What 19th-century British reformers teach us about Christian social action today.
An introduction to the turbulent 19th century.
Newton responded to thousands of requests for spiritual counsel with letters advising the lowly and the great.
Britain's great abolitionist worked to change society's values, not just its laws.
The 19th-century abolitionists have much to teach us about politics today.
After a crushing political defeat, William Wilberforce nearly gave up his fight to abolish the slave trade. But a life-changing letter from John Newton sent this Daniel back into the lion's den.
Thanks to William Wilberforce, we already know the key to defeating slavery.
William Wilberforce saw two long charitable campaigns through, even in war's distracting shadow
One hundred fifty years before C. S. Lewis, William Wilberforce wrote the Mere Christianity of his time.
Antislavery politician

November 18, 1095: Pope Urban II opens the Council of Clermont to reform the Church and to plan the First Crusade. The 200 bishops attending the council decreed that those traveling to Jerusalem would be granted a plenary indulgence (see issue 40: The Crusades).

November 18, 1302: Pope Boniface VIII publishes "Unam Sanctam," declaring there is "One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church" outside of which there is "neither salvation nor remission of sins." Emphasizing the pope's position as Supreme Head ...

More from November 18