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What Would People Think If They Knew That I’m a ‘Jesus Freak’ Freak?
Yes, dcTalk’s defining album has some truly cheesy moments. But 20 years later, it’s still just really good.
Religious Freedom vs. LGBT Rights? It's More Complicated
The legal context for what's happening at Gordon College, and how Christians can respond despite intense cultural backlash.
Why Resurrection People Remember the Dead
Keeping the memory of our deceased loved ones alive.
How I Beat Back the Darkness after Rape
I kept choosing life after being violated by my pastor.
'Divine Conspirator' Dallas Willard Dies at 77
Dallas Willard was on a quiet quest to subvert nominal Christianity.
By Grace You Are Mature
We don't grow out of spiritual adolescence by trying to grow up.
Ponce de León on Steroids
What does Christian maturity look like in a youth-worshiping culture?
The Rise of Digital Urban Tribes
How we under- and overestimate the power and shape of the next generation.
When Are We Going to Grow Up? The Juvenilization of American Christianity
We're all adolescents now.
Getting to the Crux of Calvary
Each atonement theory highlights a truth about the Cross—but none more so than Christ's substitutionary death.
Works and Words: Why You Can't Preach the Gospel with Deeds
And why it's important to say so.
From Powerlifter to Powerless
How physical debility strengthened my reliance on God.
Violence in Nigeria: Breaking the Country's Fatal Deadlock
Christians and Muslims will find peace if they work together for justice.
Discipling the Eyes Through Art in Worship
The visual arts can play a powerful role in worship—if we look closely enough.
Where Are the Dads? Treating Richmond's Fatherless Epidemic
How local Christians are building human capital through public health—one man at a time.
The New Conversion: Why We 'Become Christians' Differently Today
Evangelicals are undergoing a sea change understanding when it comes to this pivotal moment in the believer's life.
What Good Grief Looks Like When a Daughter Dies
Walking the way of grace in the midst of my grief.
Vicarious Humanity: By His Birth We Are Healed
Our redemption, it turns out, began long before Calvary.
The New School Choice Agenda
Why Christians in Richmond, Virginia, and elsewhere are choosing to send their children to struggling public schools.
Jesus Disappoints Everyone
Our Savior has come, but we're often blind to his purposes.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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