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A Person by Any Other Pronoun
Responses to our September issue.
The Black Church Models a Different Conversation About ‘Gender Roles’
How women’s roles have changed in the Black church.
Beyond the ‘Gender Roles’ Debate
As churches and denominations battle over the issue, these women are modeling a different way. Join them for conversations across the divide.
As dificuldades que os homens enfrentam são problemas de todos
Desde estudos e trabalho a paternidade e amizades, precisamos de uma visão de masculinidade que ambos os sexos possam aplaudir.
A metáfora bíblica do casamento nada tem a ver com sexualidade
Podemos ter uma visão correta de Deus como marido e como Pai sem divinizar a sexualidade masculina.
The Bible’s Marriage Metaphor Doesn’t Belong In the Bedroom
We can rightly look to God as husband and God as Father without making male sexuality divine.
Let’s Rethink the Evangelical Gender Wars
Maybe the lines of division between egalitarians and complementarians were in the wrong places.
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
The Relatable Zeal of Puritan Women
They were extremely into religion without being extreme.
¿Qué ocurre cuando se hace una encuesta sobre sexo con miles de mujeres evangélicas?
La investigación de Sheila Gregoire ha logrado que cristianos en todo el espectro corrijan suposiciones perjudiciales y presten nueva atención al placer de las mujeres en el matrimonio.
O que acontece quando perguntamos sobre sexo a milhares de mulheres evangélicas
A pesquisa de Sheila Gregoire, feita com cristãs ao longo de todo o espectro, corrige suposições prejudiciais e traz nova atenção sobre o prazer das mulheres no casamento.
Que découvre-t-on quand on interroge des milliers de femmes évangéliques sur le sexe ?
Les recherches de Sheila Gregoire invitent de nombreux chrétiens à réviser des hypothèses nuisibles et attirent l’attention sur le plaisir des femmes dans le mariage.
What Happens When You Ask Thousands of Evangelical Women About Sex
Sheila Gregoire’s research has Christians across the spectrum correcting harmful assumptions and bringing new attention to women’s pleasure in marriage.
Jesus liberta homens e mulheres para perguntarem ‘como posso servir’, e não ‘quem está na liderança’
Nossa visão dos papéis e das relações de gênero deve começar pelo padrão de humildade de Cristo.
Jesus Frees Men and Women to Ask ‘How Can I Serve?’ Not ‘Who’s in Charge?’
Our view of gender roles and relations should begin with Christ’s pattern of humility.
Iglesia escocesa que cree en la complementariedad de los sexos enseña a las mujeres a predicar
Una red de plantación de iglesias en los barrios más pobres de Edimburgo desafía las normas de género.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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