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We Forget We Belong to God
The healing balm of finding our true identity
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 77|41min
Christianity’s Being Co-opted with Tobias Cremer
The author and researcher talks populism and the power of identity.
Viral JesusEpisode 84|57min
Hosanna Wong: ‘You Have a New Name’
Through her viral messages, this spoken-word artist wants us to know who we are in Christ—and then to live like it.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 74|45min
Yascha Mounk’s Answer to the Identity Trap
The academic and writer talks ideas, influence, power, and politics.
Where Ya From?Episode 52|1 hr 9min
Between Two Worlds with Vivian Mabuni
How God shapes our identity through our unique life circumstances.
Put Off Your Old Self-Making
An interview with author Tara Isabella Burton on the history of self-creation—and how the habit usurps our need for God.
Minha igreja, minhas regras
Como essa noção moderna da autoconcepção do indivíduo transforma a comunidade cristã em uma identidade pessoal.
My Church, My Choice
How the modern concept of self-creation turns Christian community into personal identity.
Become a Shadow of Your Future Self
Manifesting isn’t the answer. Consenting to holiness is.
Free Webinar: Asian American Identity and the Church
Join CT and Seminary Now on May 18 for a conversation about the intersections of Asian American faith and culture.
Las personas son más que su cosmovisión
Como cristianos, a menudo nos definimos por nuestra ideología, pero Jesús nos llama a tener un sentido más profundo de identidad.
We Are Not Our Worldview
As Christians, we often define ourselves by ideology, but Jesus calls us to a deeper sense of identity.
La Bible fait tout ce que fait la théorie critique, mais en mieux.
L’Écriture offre une analyse plus approfondie de la société moderne que ce que celle-ci peut proposer elle-même.
The Bible Does Everything Critical Theory Does, but Better
Scripture offers a deeper analysis of modern society than modern society could give itself.
Orang Buangan di Sepanjang Perjalanan Pulang
Kita merindukan kepindahan ajaib dari padang belantara ke tempat yang aman, dari pengasingan kepada kepemilikan.
Exiles All the Way Home
We all yearn for the miraculous movement from wilderness to safety, and exile to belonging.
Where Ya From?Episode 34
‘Discovering Your Identity’ with Jamie Winship
Reconciliation expert Jamie Winship describes how he learned to listen to God and to people around him in order to bring peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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