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Paul’s Word to Police: Protect the Weak
As black Christians have long understood, the New Testament has a strong theology of law enforcement.
The Old Testament’s Word to Police: You Answer to God’s Higher Court
How biblical law can illuminate today’s debates on law enforcement.
Can the Church Save Marriage?
Matrimony rates are in decline, even among conservative Christians. Here’s what that means for the future.
COVID-19 Is Killing the Soulmate Model of Marriage. Good.
The silver lining for a post-coronavirus America: More married couples will be family-first.
Who Is My COVID-19 Neighbor?
The only way to beat the coronavirus in the US is to beat it everywhere. Can we really save the whole world?
World Vision’s Forgotten Founder
A Korean pastor helped birth one of the world's largest charities. Why did he disappear from history?
Forgive Us Our Sins (And Theirs, Too)
How an ancient prophet’s prayer answers our modern outrage.
What A Church Does, in Dollars and Cents
A sociologist explains a congregation's contributions to the local economy.
The Hidden Cost of Tax Exemption
Churches may someday lose their tax-exempt status. Would that be as bad as it sounds?
The First Christian
Mary’s preeminent example as a Christ follower neither began nor ended at Christmas.
Meet the Minnie Church
What happens when you plant a church only for Walt Disney World employees?
Is Your Trip Tourism or Missions?
After years of debate, the line is blurrier than ever.
The Rise of the Bible-Teaching, Plato-Loving, Homeschool Elitists
How evangelicals are becoming the new champions of the pagan classics.
The Book of Ruth Can Transform the Way We Do Business Today
What companies might learn from the Old Testament practice of gleaning.
Oil Is a Gift from God. Are We Squandering It?
What the church can do when the world’s had too much of a good thing.
Young Life at the Border
How youth ministries are reaching teens torn between Mexico and the US.
Making Missions Count: How a Major Database Tracked Thailand’s Church-Planting Revival
A movement in Southeast Asia shows how real-time reporting is building Great Commission connections.
Saving Retirement
Growing old is not what it used to be. For millions of retirees, that may actually be good news.
Florida’s Oldest Place to Grow Old
Dowling Park was a retirement community built around widows and orphans. A century later, it’s a model for intergenerational ministry.
Karen Swallow Prior: Good Books Make Better People
Why history's wisest figures have seen a connection between reading well and living well.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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