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Wanted: A New Pro-life Strategy
Twenty-five years after Roe, and 37 million abortions later, we have to admit we are losing the fight.
Roe v. McCorvey
What made ‘Roe’ betray the pro-choice cause?
The Abortion Debate Is Over
Pro-lifers overestimated the average American's allegiance to logic.
How Abortion Became a Necessary Evil
Why Americans oppose abortion but want to keep it legal.
Augustine's Enchiridion: A Handbook for Earthy Christian Living
A Handbook for "Earthy" Christian Living
Risky Lifestyles
It wasn't just what Christians believed but also how they lived that concerned early church teachers.
Globalism: John Paul II
In issuing more significant encyclicals and visiting more nations than any other pope, he's shown that Christianity remains a world force.
Live Longer, Healthier, & Better
The untold benefits of becoming a Christian in the ancient world.
Why I Apologized to Planned Parenthood
My difficult unplanned pregnancy impelled me to show a little more grace.
Pro-Abortion Madness
The abortion lobby has abandoned its rationales amid pro-life gains.
Bishop Bans Pro-choice Voters From Communion
Votes may be considered sin if cast for politicians who support abortions.
Why Kerry Is Sincere When He Says He Believes Life Begins at Conception
Plus: AmeriCorps loses suit on Catholic school placements, U.K. considers new religious hate law, Portland's Catholic archdiocese declares bankruptcy, and other stories from online sources around the world.
'Womb Walking' Ultrasound, Stats Prompt U.K. Abortion Rethink
Plus: Order removed for ex-gay mom told to avoid exposing child to homophobia, philosophy prof says he was punished for identifying himself as a Catholic, the Sabbath returns to Virginia, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Putting (Pro)Life into the Party
Democrats shouldn't be afraid of being pro-life says Democrats for Life's Kristen Day.
Third of Three Federal District Courts Calls Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Unconstitutional
Plus: A pastor's plagiarism penitence, The New York Times gets Christian higher ed right twice in a week, and other stories from online sources around the world.
'Back-Alley Abortions' in the 21st Century
A British newspaper finds a late-term conspiracy between country's largest abortion provider and a Spanish clinic.
Slaughter of the Innocents, 2004
The Netherlands celebrates Christmas by reenacting Herod.
Pro-lifers' New Legal Nightmare
The shooting of two abortionists provided the political cover for an insidious attempt to silence all but the bravest pro-lifers.
Abortion and the Failure of Democracy
Florida Shootings Stifle Pro-lifers

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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