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CT Pastors Books

The Gift of the Outsider: What Living in the Margins Teaches Us About Faith
There Is an Edge to Living on the Edge
My outsider experiences have only strengthened my confidence in God’s goodness and sovereignty.
How Far to the Promised Land: One Black Family's Story of Hope and Survival in the American South
Esau McCaulley: The Streets Sent Me to the Pulpit
But then my path to preaching took an unexpected turn.
Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways
Some of My Social Justice Allies Are Terrifying, and I Value Them for It
“Sensitive” types like me won’t always mesh with more intimidating activists. But we need each other to thrive.
The Generations Project: Bridging Generational Divides in the Singapore Church
Gen X Dropouts Widen the Generational Divide among Singapore Christians
Interviews with 63 churches reveal an urgent need for greater mutuality in relationships.
An Invitation to Joy: The Divine Journey to Human Flourishing
Love, Joy, and Peace Are a Package Deal
Don’t ignore their ordering in Paul’s passage on the fruit of the Spirit.
Reading for the Love of God: How to Read as a Spiritual Practice
The Bible Is Literature. It’s Also Your Boss.
We owe to Scripture something we don’t owe any other book: our obedience.
Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal (Fullness of Time, 1)
I Met God on the Mountaintop of Ritual
How liturgy can lead to an encounter with the Lord.
Faith Driven Investing: Every Investment Has an Impact--What’s Yours?
The Bible Gives Investors Like Me a New Perspective on Risk
If we believe all that God promises, we won’t always opt for playing it safe.
All My Knotted-Up Life: A Memoir
Beth Moore: When I Was a Stranger in the SBC, Anglicans Welcomed Me
How the acclaimed Bible teacher found a new church home.
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