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The Opposite of Abuse Is Care
In an age of spiritual abuse scandals, the early church offers a positive model of pastoral authority.
Our Church Lost Three Men to Suicide in Two Years
As a pastor, I’ve learned that the church can play a vital role in helping members with mental health issues.
Pastors Wonder About Church Members Who Never Came Back Post-Pandemic
New research shows disagreement over COVID-19 policies drove changes in attendance, but “a lot of it is a mystery.”
Church Is Life Together or Not at All
It’s time for evangelicals to rediscover Bonhoeffer’s best-known work on the nature of Christian community.
A Washington Church Grows Great Commission Wheat
For decades, the small, rural congregation has turned a grain harvest into international ministry funding.
What If Churches Ask for More and No One Says Yes?
Jake Meador has a provocative proposal for reversing dechurching. But it may not be that simple.
How We Stay in Church Matters as Much as Why
Spiritual abuse survivors who join a new congregation still need to heal from their hurt.
Celebrating Revival in a Cynical Age
The Asbury revival reminds us that God works in ways we cannot control.
A Waste of Time, a Work of Love
The dawn of Easter reminds us that what the world might see as a waste can actually be a wonder.
The Church Was Meant to Enjoy Its Diversity, Not Wish It Away.
America is set to be minority white by 2045. Evangelicals need to stop thinking that’s a bad thing.
We Can’t Outbreed Unbelief
The Virgin Birth challenges our fears regarding projected secularization.
Why Should Pastors Get All the Good Theology Textbooks?
Churches across the country are reclaiming theological education to make it available to everyone.
What We Lose When We Livestream
Do our online viewers truly realize what they’re missing?
The Pandemic Destroyed My Certainty—Or Was It God?
Ongoing disruption exposed my ministry idols, helping me see the work of the kingdom.
Ghosted Again? Pastors Respond to Disappearing Congregants
Church leaders are seeking fresh ways to prevent "backdoor exits" and adapt to shifting membership.
Forget Charisma. Look for the Weak and the Slow.
Pete Scazzero discusses how pastors can identify and train healthy leaders.
Stop Applauding Pastors Who Publicly Confess Their Sins
When leaders admit wrongdoing, we should respond with quiet sobriety, not clapping.
Assemblies of God Ordains Record Number of Women
There is work to do and some of those God has called to do it are female, Pentecostal leaders say.
Survey: Most Pastors Don’t See Deconstruction in the Pews
“It may be easier to find people in the midst of deconstructing their faith on social media than within churches.”
Why I’m Raising My Kid In the Front Pew
The greatest gift my parents passed on was a lived-out faith. I want to do the same for my daughter.