Church Life+Ministry

We Forget We Belong to God
The healing balm of finding our true identity
How to Behold the Glory
We are continually becoming what we behold
A Universe-Sized Love
The thrill of hope that emerges in our hearts at Advent
The Good News About Our Bad News
Sometimes, suffering can’t be spiritualized
He Is Not One to Leave Us Hurting
The difficult work of embodied faith
The Synagogue Visit That Changed Everything
How Jesus’ arrival relieves our anxious waiting
An Unscheduled Appointment
What Simeon’s long-awaited assurance means for us today
A Relentless Love
When we are afraid, God pursues our hearts
Prophesying a Perfect Ruler
Startling promises on the perfection of power
The Humble Character of Our King
Bold proclamations of a great leader
Among Chinese Southern Baptists, Women Continue to Use Pastor Title
Leaders say “due to history and language” churches use the term for non-ordained ministers and women.
A Leader of India’s ‘Untouchables’ Considered Christianity and Found It Wanting
Why B.R. Ambedkar, a Dalit himself, ultimately embraced Buddhism as the faith best for him and his community.
I Started Attending Diwali Parties to Break Out of My Christian Bubble
I was raised in a vibrant Indian community. How I'm trying to build relationships with Hindu friends in America.
The Eternal King Arrives
Journeying through Advent with our humble and mighty Savior
Pray for the Persecuted Church. But First Learn About It.
Amid rising persecution to Christians in the world, here are some stories that can guide your intercessions.
Meet the Zoomers’ Martin Luther
He plays Minecraft and talks church history on YouTube—and he’s organizing a new mainline reformation.
The Christian X-odus
As faithful Twitter users drop the platform, writers, leaders, and ministries adapt to a new social landscape.
First Graduates of Persian Seminary Prepared to Serve a Traumatized Iran
London-based theological institute celebrates the academic success of 15 Muslim-background students, many of whom have suffered family rejection and political repression.
Younger Pastors Took the Brunt of the COVID-19 Burden
New research shows most ministers under 34 saw job responsibilities change and worried about their mental health.
Pastor’s Family Trapped in Gaza Grieves Relatives Killed at Church
Former pastor of Gaza Baptist Church—stuck in Egypt since start of the war—scrambles to evacuate wife and children as they struggle to survive at St. Porphyrius Orthodox Church.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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