June (Web-only) 2001

Three Chords and the Truth
Three Chords and the Truth
Christian singer-songwriters take their faith into the culture of chiming guitars and protest songs
Debutante Fiction
The New Yorker should have paid less attention to the novelty of its writers and more attention to their writing.
PCUSA Opens Door to Gay Ordination and Other Ways to Salvation
The real big news out of the denomination's General Assembly may not be its revoking of its ban on gay ministers.
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Three Cases on Religion in Schools
"Religious use and student-led prayer seem to be okay, but Bible reading in class isn't. What does the Supreme Court really think about public religion?"
The War for Narnia Continues
Charles Colson, Andrew Greeley, Frederica Mathewes-Green, and Lauren Winner join the battle—and Doug Gresham comes out to reply.
Anglican Liturgist Welcomes Vatican Warning on 'Politically Correct' Liturgy
"Gender-specific alterations seemed hypocritical, inconsistent, says British theologian."
Disney Goes Back Under the Sea
"Atlantis is flashy, but critics claim it's too full holes to stay afloat. Plus Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and a wrap-up of the great Shrek debate."
Greek Orthodox Priest Falls Victim to Middle East Conflict
Monks worry they may appear as threats to each warring side
Slovakia's Catholics and Lutherans Reach Agreement on Baptism
Signing clears the way for the common celebration of other inter-church accords.
Pestilence and Famine at Crosswalk.com
"Billy is back, the Roman Coliseum was really, really bad, and links to more than 110 other religion and ethics news stories from around the world."
Sydney's New Archbishop Retreats in Row Over Prime Minister and the Almighty
But Peter Jensen stands by his criticism of government's attitude toward stolen generation of Aboriginal children
The Communion Test
How a Humble Inquiry into the nature of the church cost Jonathan Edwards his job.
"Billy Graham's Same, Wonderful Old Story"
Bush and Rosa Parks join together to push the faith-based initiative.
"Bomb Explosion During Mass Stirs Fear, Public Outcry in Bangladesh"
Suspects linked to rash of attacks
"Fortune May Favor the Brave, but Apparently Not the Religious"
The Christian Century criticizes Henri Nouwen and The Jesus Seminar while promoting the regulation of sex.
Don't believe everything you hear about the church and the environmental crisis.
Why We Love the Earth
"Our belief in a Creator, not crisis scenarios, drives our environmental concerns."
The Anglican Mission in America Grows—and So Do Anglican Leaders' Criticisms of It
The Orlando Sentinel gets the facts on the arrest of Crosswalk.com's CEO.
"Speed, Greed, and other Animal Behaviors"
"What Christian and mainstream critics are saying about Dr. Dolittle 2, The Fast and the Furious, Sexy Beast, The Anniversary Party, and other cinematic options."
The Talents Aren't Just a Parable Any More
Religious investing is on the rise—but so are religious investment frauds
"Charitable Choice Makes It Out of Committee, But Is It Too Compromised?"
"The continuing missionary work of the kidnapped Burnhams, Dylan joins the company of angels and archangels, and many other stories from news sources around the world"
Truth's Intrepid Ambassador
"The architect of the Great Books, Mortimer Adler, moved beyond big ideas to the mysteries of faith."
Endangered History
The National Trust's list of imperiled places gives unnoticed gems a chance to shine
Foes Claim BJP is Using Arms Training to Win Crucial Election in India
Fears mount that reason for camps is to galvanize support for temple construction
God Banned from Narnia
Missionaries still held by terrorists despite military attack and other stories from mainstream media around the world.
History Bully
Christian scholars speak not-so-softly over a big sticking point: Theodore Roosevelt's faith
Australia's Church Leader's Views on Sexuality Ignite Controversy
Head of country's Anglicans calls for blessing of same-sex friendships.
Australia's Churches Call On Nation to Acknowledge 'Stolen Generations'
"Country's National Council of Churches demands apology, compensation to Aboriginals"
Chaplains Alarmed at Europe's Rising Prison Populations
"Privatization of jails, restorative justice also chief concerns at recent meeting."
Pilot of Missionary Plane Partly Blamed for Shooting
"Ministering to youth, sex offenders, and mentally ill ; and other stories from media around the world"
Five Anglicans in Court After Rescuing Teenagers From Arranged Marriages
Priests claim Christian sisters are being forced into Islam
"Church School Used to Train Militias, Zimbabwe Politician Says"
Youths reportedly instructed in political violence techniques in run-up to election.
Zimbabwean Archbishop Warns That Church Must Stand Against Injustice
Article in church newspaper is thinly veiled criticism of Mugabe government.
Leading Anglican Priest Protests by Cutting Ties With Church in Zimbabwe
White clergyman upset with appointment of bishop and with President Mugabe.
A Bishop and Two Theologians Propose a Radical Reform in College of Cardinals
Italian media speculate some cardinals could suggest an update of the papal election process.
Bush Says Faith-Based Initiative Critics 'Don't Understand the Power of Faith'
"ABC News replaces religion correspondent Peggy Wehmeyer with a robot (kind of), and other stories from media sources around the world."
God's Kingdom 'Is Grinding to a Halt Under Consultations and Meetings'
"Mission at risk, says senior bishop in Church of England"
"As Canadian Synod Faces Bankruptcy, Bishops Plead With Government"
Anglican bishops appeal to prime minister for intervention
Canadian Politician Works With Churches to Resolve Abuse Crisis
Deputy prime minister meets with church leaders to resolve court cases.
"Kidnapped Missionaries Injured, Threatened With Death"
"A hot summer's a-brewin', and other stories from mainstream media sources around the world"
Pop Goes the Musical
"Moulin Rouge stirs critics into several debates, plus reviews of The Animal, What's The Worst That Could Happen? and Startup.com."
Militants Blamed for Death of Three Missionaries in India
"5,000 attend funeral, Catholic schools close in mourning"
Churches Adopt Entire Villages in Devastated Gujarat to Help the Homeless
Charities aim to meet basic needs after January's western India earthquake.
Communist-Backed Orthodox Priest Loses Election for Kerala Assembly
Nooranal's electoral campaign annoyed some Christians with support of Communists.
Guilty Verdicts All Around
"As nuns are convicted of genocide, military officers and priest get verdict in 1998 death of bishop. Plus other stories from media around the world"
Visiting the Other Side
"The Israelites spent time on both sides of the Jordan. Now tourists can, too"
Aid Expert Warns That North Korea Faces Renewed Food Shortages
Churches leading the way to aid 1.8 million ton food shortage
"As Politicians Draw Up Election Plans, Dutch Churches Speak Out For Poor"
"Council recommends erasing unpayable debts, focusing on homelessness"
Saint Teddy?
"Yes, Roosevelt paid the usual presidential respects to Christianity, but didn't show much explicit personal devotion to it."
Grief Observed Over Abolition of Lewis's Mere Christianity
"Supreme Court okays Christian elementary school club, and American missionaries are still alive"
Blessed John XXIII's Remains Are Now On View At St Peter's
Second Vatican Council pope becomes only third placed on display in glass coffin.
Christians Say Sikh Book Threatens Centuries of Harmony Between Faiths
"Author arrested on three counts, including derogatory language."
Churches Want To Revive Ancient Tradition of Truce During 2004 Olympiad
Plans for Athens games to be outlined in September
Abu Sayyaf Rebels Say They've Killed an American Hostage
"Graham Staines' alleged murderer goes on a hunger strike, and historian Allen Guelzo outlines the case for slavery reparations."
Repentant Pilferers Return Hotel Towels and Cash After Sermon on Theft
"Four out of ten attending Ten Commandments series are not Christians, preacher estimates."
Polish Ex-Priest Remains Defiant After Libel Sentence
Court rules Roman Kotlinski violated the good name of the Catholic archdiocese with claims of financial misdeeds
Poland's Catholic Bishops Ask Forgiveness for Wartime Massacre of Jews
Theologian says continued anti-Semitism overshadows gesture
Forget Televangelists ; How About Going to Church to Watch TV?
"People who pray too much, and television networks losing religion in the U.S. and abroad."
India Election Results Rattle Ruling Nationalists
Hindu BJP getting irrelevant day by day say rivals
Catholic Protesters Make Language an Issue in Choice of Indian Bishop
Retiring Archbishop says the campaign is the work of only a handful of people.
European Churches Declare Immigrants Are Not 'Potential Criminals'
"Petitions submitted to the European Union for more protection, aid."
Does Shrek Really End Happily Ever After?
"Also, critics respond to Swordfish, Evolution, and The Road Home, plus more reader recommendations"
Beyond the 6-3 Votes That Mattered
Newspaper editorials weigh in on Good News Club v. Milford School District. Plus other stories from mainstream media around the world
Nigeria Officials Press Northern Governors to Scale Back Islamic Law
Churches harassed by Islamic youths purporting to enforce the law
Three Military Officials and a Priest Jailed for Killing Guatemalan Bishop
"Since the 1998 death, six witnesses, a prosecutor, and a judge have fled in fear of their lives"
New Tribes Mission Goes Dark
"Jars of Clay's latest hit is Pomp and Circumstance, and other stories from media sources around the world."
NAE President Resigns in Wake of Financial Woes
"In the process of change, you also create friction, says Kevin Mannoia"
Bill Hybels and fourth-century preaching star John Chrysostom would have a lot to talk about

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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