October (Web-only) 2007

Unborn in the USA
A new documentary lives up to its claim of taking a fair, objective view of the prolife movement. We talked to the filmmakers.
Q&A: Leith Anderson
The new president of the National Association of Evangelicals speaks about galvanizing evangelicals, immigration, and the challenges ahead.
A Higher Ecclesiology for Evangelicals
Bryan Litfin, author of Getting to Know the Church Fathers, says that we need to reclaim our spiritual heritage.
Dan in Real Life
Music Within
Am I Growing Yet?
What a disappointed "fully devoted follower of Jesus" should be looking for.
The Peacemaking Process
A call to evangelicals to respond to a significant Muslim overture.
Latin Lover No More
Eduardo Verástegui used to play the Casanova role to the hilt, till God convinced him to change his ways. Now he's making redeeming movies, starting with the wonderful Bella.
Too Many Churches?
Communities are feeling the squeeze of rapid church growth.
The Family Guy
In the wonderful new movie Dan in Real Life, opening Friday, Steve Carell plays the lead role in yet another film where family comes first.
The Ten Commandments
Gone Baby Gone
Reservation Road
Things We Lost in the Fire
Q&A: Sam Brownback
The Republican senator said he could offer a promising package to evangelical voters.
The Gospel According to Safeway
The checkout line and the good life.
Reading the World
Cultural exegesis is a necessary skill in Christian life, says the editor of Everyday Theology.
Moses Parts the Red C(GI)
An all-new computer-animated version of The Ten Commandments releases this week, and the production company's founders plan 11 more Bible epic movies.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Final Season
Lars and the Real Girl
Fox Faith: Is It Working?
It's been an up-and-down first year for Hollywood's first major "Christian" film label, with box office busts offset by strong video sales and rentals.
Christians and the Burmese Crackdown
A Burmese Pastor speaks on the situation of the church.
The Darjeeling Limited
Michael Clayton
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
Do I Have a Witness?
Why Jesus didn't say, "You shall be my marketers to the ends of the earth."
The Art of Forgiveness
Images of the Prodigal Son
Lake of Fire
The Son's Day to Sunday
Sunday tells how the first day of the week went from the Lord's Day to Christian Sunday.
Over the Rhine: Lovers in a Dangerous Time
Lovers in a Dangerous Time
Over the Rhine is sensual, spiritual, and political.
All I Need Is Here
Meet Me Where I Am
Redeeming the Days

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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