April (Web-only) 2008

Dulling the Body, Buffing the Soul
Gertrude the Great suggests an inverse relationship between comfort and holiness in the meaty devotional, A Little Daily Wisdom: Christian Women Mystics.
The Irony of Iron Man
What can we learn from an armor-encased superhero who can protect others, but can't save himself? And what does his story say about finding strength in weakness?
Are the Quakers Going Pagan?
The liberal end of the Society of Friends has long had members who denied God's existence or Jesus' divinity. Now hundreds of pagans call Quakerism home.
Why She Sings
Contrary to what some people say, the legendary Dionne Warwick got her start in gospel music and says she has never abandoned her faith or her church.
Baby Mama
Standard Operating Procedure
A Flawed History
James Carroll's controversial book, Constantine's Sword
Ryan Lott's Musical <i>Lectio Divina</i>
A Musical Lectio Divina
Ryan Lott's meditative, mystical, and mesmerizing debut.
Q&A: Daniel B. Wallace
On his organization's ancient New Testament manuscript haul in Albania.
Is 'Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone' Biblical?
Scholars are cautious about the story of the woman caught in adultery.
United Methodists to Debate Transgender Clergy
Church court in October backed pastor who underwent sex change.
Is Caspian Really C. S. Lewis?
Of all the characters in the author's beloved Chronicles of Narnia, the title character of Prince Caspian is most like the author, and the book is surprisingly autobiographical.
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
The Forbidden Kingdom
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
The Visitor
Pope Benedict Goes to Washington
Pope's U.S. visit is expected to strengthen evangelical-Catholic relationship.
Ben Stein Is Expelled!
The TV and movie personality takes on Darwinism and evolution in a new documentary about Intelligent Design—and academic freedom.
What's in a Label?: 7Spin Music
Founder Peter Khosla explains how his company in small town Indiana is approaching the music business differently, while also keeping God at the center of what they do.
Smart People
Street Kings
Eric Clapton, In the Presence of the Lord
The bluesman has been haunted by God through his early years, his born-again period, and his recovery.
Colson the Catechist
A culture warrior sets out to explain Christianity's essential doctrines.
Hardship for Evangelicals in Jordan: Lessons for All Christians
The president of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary on maintaining fruitful relationships with our neighbors.
'A Poorer Story, but a Better Movie'
So says Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis's stepson and producer of the upcoming Prince Caspian, in comparing it to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Rissi Palmer
Channel Surfing for Common Grace
How reality TV broadcasts echoes of the gospel.
Red Herring: Mikhail Gorbachev’s Not-Quite Conversion
Red Herring: Mikhail Gorbachev’s Not-Quite Conversion
Asking whether the former Soviet leader is a Christian has a long history.
Flight of the Red Balloon
My Blueberry Nights
Nim's Island
Study: Conservative Theology Means Smaller Bank Accounts
Duke sociologist says conservative Protestants save less and accumulate fewer assets.
Christian Evangelism and Judaism
An exchange of views between a rabbi and a columnist.
Election 08's 'False Clerics and Schismatic Spirits'
The ubiquity of religion in this campaign season is distinctly un-Lutheran.
Supreme Court to Consider Religious Monuments Case
Group wants "Seven Aphorisms" in park by Ten Commandments.
Do the Democrats Have a Prayer Yet?
Amy Sullivan explains how the Democrats alienated evangelicals and are trying to win them back.
Jazzed About the Big Screen
Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz has been adapted into a screenplay, with The Second Chance director Steve Taylor at the helm—and both men are pretty excited about it.
Hello Kelly
Me + You + The World
Top 20 Indie 08
Trying to Fit the Ocean in a Cup
What I Can't See
You and the Evening Sky
The Odes Project, Vol. 1 & 2

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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