April (Web-only) 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The summer movie season kicks off with a merely serviceable prequel to the X-Men franchise, recounting the tragic back-story of everyone's favorite claw-wielding mutant.
Q & A: Francis Collins
The former director of the Human Genome Project hopes to show compatibility between Christianity and science.
Hispanic Groups Divided over 2010 Census
One group is urging a boycott while another group says Latinos should take part in the census.
Artist Profile: Anna Kocher
The Philadelphia painter finds 'gritty physicality' in motherhood and in faith.
Humans in Creation: Another View
Nature's enduring value is not in what it can provide us.
Elizabeth Lev Defends Mom's Decision to Turn Down Notre Dame
She may be a bit biased, but her response is still spot-on.
What's in a Label?: Brash Music
The home of Aaron Shust and Chris Sligh lives up to its name with a bold way of doing business—and a few brash words for the "greed and backstabbing" in Christian music.
Dam Yangtze!
Two films chronicle China's endeavor to flood entire cultures via the "progress" of building the world's largest dam.
Going Undercover to Expose Planned Parenthood
Lila Rose's pro-life activism may be breaking state privacy laws. But does it matter?
A Campaign for (Kind of) Real Beauty
"Real" fashion models may present as many problems as their hyper-stylized counterparts.
A Bearded Lady
What names did a pastor use on a singles' site? Why did Saddleback recently apologize? How much do you know about this week's news?
Obama Uses Sermon on the Mount to Elevate Speeches
The president has used the mountainside sermon several times in recent years to explain policy.
Is Anybody There?
A sentimental comedy asks some hard questions about the afterlife in this story of an unlikely friendship between an old man and a young boy.
The Soloist
What could have been pure schmaltz and formula is instead a masterful film about friendship, grace, and humility.
The Other Miss California Controversy
Carrie Prejean might have stood up for Christian sexual ethics by skipping the Miss USA pageant altogether.
Lynne Hybels: Beware! Dangerous Women
They might just step up and do something.
Some Preachers, Long Gone, Keep Preaching from Beyond the Grave
Pastors' messages continue through TV, radio, and the Internet, even as some listeners probably don't even know they're gone.
Promise Keepers Invites Women to 2009 Gathering
Glorious nature cinematography tracks three animal families over the course of a year—and the whole film points to the beauty and wonder of Creation.
Kay Warren: Puppies Aren't People
When compassion for animals goes too far.
Stars, Family Remember 'Pop' Winans
More than 100 family members pay last respects to the late gospel patriarch. PLUS: Stryper reunites for album, tour; Sara Groves on Capitol Hill; and more.
Dog Days of Summer
An unforgettable summer brings a young boy a memorable glimpse of hypocrisy and sin that will change him forever ... but the movie's not all that great.
Is There Such a Thing as Too Many Children?
Questions linger as last of Nadya Suleman's octuplets heads home.
Blog Comments and Christian Courtesy
Some otherwise loving believers could use a remedial course in table manners.
Goodbye Charity
Churches and charitable institutions provide services that some politicians feel belong to the federal government.
Death By Deism
No merely civil religion alone can sustain a free republic.
An Apologetic for Ink
Why I got a second tattoo after the first one was a complete mess.
Q & A: Newt Gingrich
The former Speaker of the House speaks to CT about the future of the Republican Party and his conversion to Catholicism.
But God Wants Me Wrinkle-Free!
What is a New York City pastor accused of stealing church funds for? How much did the Obamas give to faith-based groups? How much do you think you know about this week's news?
Cal Thomas, 25 Years of Columns Later
After 2,600 columns and 11 books, the syndicated columnist shares his 'wit and wisdom.'
American Violet
The war on drugs gets personal in this harrowing true story of a young mother forced to choose between her family and her principles.
17 Again
Zac Efron turns in a decent performance as a man who time travels back to his teens with a second shot at life, only to realize that his first shot was just fine after all.
State of Play
Pulse-pounding intrigue abounds in this thriller about a team of reporters who set out to solve the murder of a congressman's mistress and uncover a political conspiracy.
Why Do We Love Susan Boyle?
MIA: Evangelical Women in Public Life
Are there really none?
Soulwork: Happiness Is Not Hope
Happiness Is Not Hope
How Easter Sunday can become the unhealthy denial of death.
Test Tube Ethics
Some couples pay the hefty price of storing frozen embryos, despite increasing pressure to donate them for scientific research.
Injustice Exposed
Arrested for crimes she didn't commit, Regina Kelly fought for her rights—and won. Here's her story, also told in a drama releasing to theaters this week.
The Secret Life of Beekeepers
Beekeeping reminds me of the many tasks before me—and my dependence on others.
Let The Road Pave Itself
A Person & A Heart and With, To, From
Finger of God
Finger of God
It's up to the viewer of 'Finger of God' to determine whose they are.
Iowa Churches: We Need to Be Clear on Same-Sex Marriage
But pastors disagree whether last week's court decision should mean more activism on the issue.
CDs on The List
CDs on The List
Short reviews of new albums by Sarah Brendel, Heather Headley, and Judd & Maggie.
Miller, Buddy & Julie
Written In Chalk
On their first album in 8 years, Buddy and Julie are brilliant.
Bible Translated into LOLcat
'We're Not Actually Advancing Religious Freedom'
Thomas Farr says it's time for policies that actually improve liberty around the world.
Hannah Montana The Movie
The smash Disney sitcom about an American teen and her pop star alter ego gets the big screen treatment, with tween-pleasing results.
Holy Week Edition
Christian atheists, Saddleback's busy Easter, and more.
Christ Is Risen — Run Away!
Why we don't always want to meet the resurrected Lord.
Easter, Unedited
N. T. Wright says the Gospels' Resurrection accounts are odd because they are fresh.
Christians Urge Obama to Keep Conscience Clause
Today is the last day for arguments supporting medical workers' right to refuse to provide care that violates their conscience.
'I'm Gonna Make Mistakes'
Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, a Christian, embraces the idea of being a role model while also admitting she's flawed.
Q & A: Rick Warren
The megachurch pastor who faced backlash for praying at the President's inauguration talks to CT about politics, a new magazine, and the economy.
Marital Rape Law Reconsidered in Afghanistan
President Hamid Karzai agreed to review the law after outcries from Western agencies.
Beyond the Creek
Sara Watkins goes solo while her old band, Nickel Creek, goes on hiatus.
Faith Like Potatoes
When a farmer gives his life to Christ, he finds not only transformation but a new direction, becoming the "South African Billy Graham."
The Empty Tomb and the Emptied Urn
What the wounds of Jesus can — and can't — tell us about our resurrection bodies.
TV's Women of Faith
The medium has a long way to go in its portrayal of both women and Christians, but ABC's Lost may be a promising start.
When Hope Feels Like a Fool's Errand
What the Cross and Resurrection teach us about forgiveness.
Deciphering a Religion Journalist's Deconversion
William Lobdell's rejection of faith seems less examined than his own reporting for the Los Angeles Times.
Your Responses: AIDS in Uganda
Part Two of 'Meanwhile, What about the Women and Children?'
Many Americans Still Think Obama Is a Muslim
Do you know how many think so? Test your knowledge of the week's religion news.
The Oregon Trail
A chapter from Through Painted Deserts.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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