July (Web-only) 2009

Awkward Apology
Why did a Canadian newspaper have to apologize to its prime minister? What religious group is most likely to say that Hollywood threatens its values? Test your knowledge of this week's news.
Fiji Bans Massive Methodist Hymn-Sing
Church leaders say government officials fear singing would lead to political instability.
Faith-based Mutual Insurers Worry about Health Care Reform
Ministries hope the end result doesn’t put them out of business.
Le silence de Lorna (Lorna's Silence)
The Dardennes brothers' latest film is an intensely naturalistic tale of deception and desperation that retains the hallmarks of their celebrated body of work.
Funny People
The king of raunchy comedy makes a movie about comedy—and about death. But it's overly ambitious, and in the end, a bit of a sprawling mess.
We've Won the Lottery—Now What?
The meaning of evangelical scandals—including our own.
2D Love and Lars and the Real Girl
The Japanese phenomenon reveals a right human desire gone askew.
Harry Potter: Good or Evil?
Readers react as the debate continues over the merits (or lack thereof) of Harry Potter.
China Eases One-Child Policy in Shanghai
Seeking to offset Shanghai's aging population, officials are encouraging couples to have two children.
Four Letter Word
Cheaters & Thieves
Following the Outrageous Carpenter
David Wilcox says he's had to learn to break free from his "gated community" and to tag along with Jesus.
More Than a Sexy Cause
Social justice is 'fashionable' these days, but how do we keep it from being just a passing fancy? Donald Miller and others addressed that question in Nashville recently.
An Open Letter to ESPN the Magazine
Regarding your plans to one-up Sports Illustrated with a "no-clothes" issue ...
Corrupt Clergy and Forgiveness
Cases like last week's organ-brokering scandal in New Jersey leave no room for cheap grace.
Dancing Down the Aisle
What a viral wedding-dance video can teach about the meaning of marriage.
Scary story and questionable filmmaking choices make Orphan extremely hard to watch.
That Keeps the Doctor Away?
What health recommendation did Britain's National Health Service recently make? What songs are two mothers suing about? And other questions from this week's news.
Another Disney family action-comedy with computer-animated animal agents—but G-Force is no Bolt.
The Ugly Truth
A boorish man gives an uptight woman tips on catching a man in this "romantic comedy" that is rather ugly but, despite the title, rings very false.
The Answer Man
The actors do their best with a half-baked script in this comedy about a "spiritual" self-help author who is as clueless as his readers.
The Urban Chicks Movement
Living out faith can include 'just food.'
The Lab Rat of the 21st Century
The new executive director at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity discusses recent bioethical debates.
Journalists Link Rising Teen Pregnancy Rates to Bush Administration
Rates of teen pregnancy, STDs rose during 2006-2007. Does this mean abstinence education isn't working?
Same Old Place
Stockholm Syndrome
A Happier Audience
Director Leo McCarey (An Affair to Remember, The Bells of St. Mary's) wanted his viewers to leave the theaters with a smile on their faces.
Of God and Galaxies
Now that the Cold War is over and we have an economic crisis on our hands, is space exploration still justified?
Jimmy Carter Speaks Up on Women
The born-again President recently penned an op-ed condemning gender inequality in the name of religion.
Building Up Without Walls
Paula White steps up as senior pastor of the troubled Pentecostal megachurch.
Green Bible, Horse Bible, What Bible?
Which niche Bible is coming out in September? Why did a bishop receive a 10-day sentence? Test your knowledge of this week's news.
The Hurt Locker
In the best (and most torturously tense) Iraq war movie yet made, we are given front-row seats for all the heroism and hell that is modern warfare.
(500) Days of Summer
Boy loves girl, girl says there is no such thing as love; their relationship unfolds over the course of 500 days in this extraordinarily creative rom-com.
Julia Duin: The Anna Syndrome
When hanging out at church only hinders single women.
The Great Evangelical Anxiety
Why change is not our most important product.
Creating a Tear-Jerker Ending
Donald Miller hints at what to expect from his upcoming book.
Cohabiting Couples on the Rise
The cultural trend isn't going away anytime soon. How should the church respond?
The Heresy of 'Individualism'?
The 'individualism' we profess is not only not a heresy—it is at the heart of the gospel.
Breast Cancer and the Bible
Does HarperOne's forthcoming 'Pink Ribbon Bible' push the boundaries of niche-marketing?
Harry Potter and the Vampire Battle
Yet another reason for evangelicals to embrace the boy wizard.
Glory Revealed II
The Power of Israel
Spinning off the title of his latest CD, Israel Houghton says that yes, one person can change the world—and he's living proof.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The boy wizard and his friends grow up, experience romance, learn about Voldemort's beginnings, and more. PLUS: Is Harry the Chosen One?
An Open Letter to Brett Favre
There's a season for everything, and for the great QB, now's the time to stay retired.
Honduran Hiatus
Political crisis disrupts short-term missions season, prompts introspection by church leaders.
Is Harry the Chosen One?
As Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens, we are once again reminded of the characteristics that make him something of a Christ figure.
Nancy Guthrie: Hearing Jesus Speak Into Your Sorrow
Well acquainted with suffering, Guthrie offers Jesus' words of comfort in her most recent work.
Where Does Francis Collins Stand on Stem-Cell Research?
The question is more pressing now that he is heading the National Institutes of Health.
You're Ejected!
What did a man do to get thrown out of Yankee Stadium? How many Legos does it take to build a 1:37 model of Noah's ark? And other questions from this week's news.
Why You Can't Just 'Love Your Neighbor'
According to Benedict XVI's new encyclical, trying to love people without knowing the truth about them leads to mere sentiment and will do them harm.
Calvin: Man for the Mainline
Reformer's 500th birthday draws out diverse cast of admirers.
I Love You, Beth Cooper
Denis Cooverman might love Beth Cooper, but we don't.
The Faith of Our Mothers
Surveying the countless women in history who lived audaciously for Christ, we have a tall order to fill.
Conservative Women Respond to Sotomayor
Anticipating swift nomination hearings this coming Monday, pro-life groups portray Sotomayor as an activist judge.
The Singing Bengal
Ben Utecht, tight end for the NFL's Cincinnati Bengals, scores a touchdown with his music career too.
The July List
CDs on The List
Short reviews of new albums by Jars of Clay, Phillip LaRue, and Billy Ray Cyrus.
Blood and Desperation
Blood and Desperation
Aaron Strumpel returns human struggle to the Psalms.
Breadwinning Moms and Stay-at-Home Dads
Wheaton College English professor balances work and parenting as breadwinner.
Top 10 Most Popular Posts, v. 3
A round-up of the most popular posts of the last 30 days.
From Fireproof to Florida
Producer of Fireproof and Facing the Giants forms own Christian studio in Orlando, begins shooting his first movie, Letters to God, due in 2010.
Trashing Sarah Palin's Faith, Family, and Femininity
The outgoing Alaska governor has faced 10 months of serious scrutiny.
Sarah Palin: Andrew Sullivan's Punching Bag
The last thing the former governor needs is journalists criticizing her for being true to her own life.
Captain Abu Raed
This heartwarming Jordanian fable about a janitor with a dream puts cookie-cutter characters in a boilerplate plot, but still might make you cheer.
Lay Down Your Fireworks
On what date was the original Independence Day? How much debt has Oral Roberts University come out of? And other questions from this week's news.
An Open Letter to Donte Stallworth
Concerning the overall public indignation about Michael Vick's possible NFL reinstatement.
The Scandal of the Public Evangelical
What we really have to offer the world.
Women's Ordination: A Crack in the Cathedral?
Female bishops outlawed, female priests tacitly allowed at last week's Anglican gathering in Bedford, Texas.
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
With more action, a contagious spunk, and a new character who's cooler than a glacier, the third Ice Age movie is a joyful, energetic ride.
Voiceless Women
Voiceless Women
The Stoning Of Soraya M. exposes a dark side of Islam.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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