June (Web-only) 2012

The Church's Domain
The Church's Domain
Faith-based website endings like .church and .bible likely to join .com and .org in URLs.
Supreme Court Decides on More than Health Care
Supreme Court Decides on More than Health Care
The court finished the session with decisions on immigration, juvenile justice, and the First Amendment, too.
NYC Churches Will No Longer Be Evicted from Public Schools—For Now
New York City Churches Will No Longer Be Evicted from Public Schools—For Now
A district court judge today issued a permanent injunction order in the Bronx Household of Faith case.
People Like Us
People Like Us
Drama seeks to tell a story of redemption, but it collapses under sentimentality and cliché.
To Rome with Love
This beautiful and star-studded Woody Allen film is cheeky and clever, but flawed.
Beasts of the Southern Wild
A magical and extraordinary revelation overflowing with misplaced hope.
The Health Care Ruling and the God of Salvation
How yesterday's ruling affects—and shouldn't affect—those who follow the crucified Christ.
More Christian Colleges Finding Ways to Help Students Repay Loans
More Christian Colleges Finding Ways to Help Students Repay Loans
Student interest rates will double unless the House acts this week.
Most Evangelicals Likely to Lament Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling
Most Evangelicals Likely to Lament Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling
Poll finds most wanted justices to overturn healthcare law.
David Platt: What I Really Think About the 'Sinner's Prayer'
David Platt: What I Really Think About the 'Sinner's Prayer,' Conversion, Mission, and Deception
My concerns are not about prayer or election, but about authentic conversion and regenerate church membership.
Mastering the Golf Swing of Life
Mastering the Golf Swing of Life
We tend to think of ethics as real serious business. It is not.
What Christians Can Learn from the Legacy of Nora Ephron
The film screenwriter, who died Tuesday, showed that women can be deadly funny about the fears that haunt us.
Why the Bodily Resurrection Matters—Especially to Women
In a time when Christian women are tempted to view their bodies with shame or with utility, the foundational doctrine is more important than ever.
Critics Challenge NAE's Abortion-Reduction Initiative's Funding
Critics Challenge National Association of Evangelicals' Abortion-Reduction Initiative's Funding
Funding of soon-to-close Generation Forum by pro-contraception group draws criticism from World Magazine and Manhattan Declaration.
The Course of Christian Zionism
The Course of Christian Zionism
A new book surveys the surprising shifts in evangelical and mainline Christian attitudes toward Jewish statehood.
Petra Meant Rock
Petra Meant Rock
On the re-release of two classics, an ode to one of the enduring bands in Christian rock history.
The Idler Wheel ...
The Duke
Good News
Did Karen Klein Do the Right Thing? Bullying and the Limits of 'Turn the Other Cheek'
How I wish the elderly bus monitor would have responded to her young abusers.
Why Israel Exists 'for the Palestinians'—and the Rest of the World
Why Israel Exists 'for the Palestinians'—and the Rest of the World
The conclusion of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
Why Jesus Isn't Your Boyfriend: A Critique of Dating God
Christian women need a better framework for relating to God amid their singleness.
God Doesn't Keep Jews in a Pickle Jar
God Doesn't Keep Jews in a Pickle Jar
Part three of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
The Secret Multiracial Churches Know About Music
They're Playing Our Song: The Secret Multiracial Churches Know About Music
It's not the style or quality of musical performance that brings multiracial churches together, but a commitment to common participation.
This gorgeously animated adventure entertains, even if it's not up to Pixar's usual standards.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Ridiculous? Yes. But Abe's vampire slaying makes for an entertaining action flick and an earnest modern folk tale.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
With global annihilation only days away, Carell and Knightley take to the road, hoping to be with the ones they love most at the end.
Theology on a Tightrope: Nik Wallenda's High-Wire Walk and Our Longing for God
Why we can't get enough of death-defying feats.
Museum of Biblical Art Raises its Profile Amid Array of Challenges
Museum of Biblical Art Raises its Profile Amid Array of Challenges
Founding director is leaving, half its funding is set to end, and rumors are swirling about its lease.
Why We Should Reexamine the Faith of Barack Obama
Why We Should Reexamine the Faith of Barack Obama
How Christians might think about the Gospel and the President.
Barack Obama: Evangelical-in-Chief?
Barack Obama: Evangelical-in-Chief?
How Christians might think about the President's faith.
How to Treat a Rebellious Israel
How to Treat a Rebellious Israel
Part two of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
Choosing Life, When Cancer Fears Are Everywhere
How irrational fear can make us lose sight of God's sovereignty.
Southern Baptists Debate the Sinner's Prayer
Southern Baptists Debate the Sinner's Prayer
After David Platt called it "superstitious," resolution says it's no incantation.
Don't Just Forgive
Don't Just Forgive
The church defies the counsel of Jesus when it fails to insist on the wrongdoer's repentance.
Do Jews Have a Divine Right to Israel's Land?
Do Jews Have a Divine Right to Israel's Land?
Part one of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
Horton Foote's Daughter: 'He Was the Great American Writer'
Horton Foote's Daughter: 'He Was the Great American Writer'
On the 50th anniversary of 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Hallie Foote remembers her dad.
Prodigal Children: If It Can Happen to John Piper, It Can Happen to You
There's nothing we fallible parents can do to ensure our kids will keep the faith.
Nuns Facing the Ruler: A Protestant Perspective on the Vatican Conflict with the Sisters
Nuns Facing the Ruler: A Protestant Perspective on the Vatican Conflict with the Sisters
Are American nuns free to reject church discipline and stay Catholic?
Children's Music Matters
Children's Music Matters
A singer-songwriter's call for excellence in the songs we feed our kids.
Rhythm and Repose
Why This Black Christian No Longer Toes the Democratic Party Line
Regardless of race, Christians are to vote by conscience, not blind allegiance.
As Baptists Prepare to Meet, Calvinism Debate Shifts to Heresy Accusation
As Baptists Prepare to Meet, Calvinism Debate Shifts to Heresy Accusation
Hundreds, including seminary presidents, have signed a statement on salvation criticized by both Reformed and Arminian theologians.
Disability Is Beautiful: How the Gospel Changes the Way We See
A fashion photographer can see the beauty of a girl with albinism. Can the church?
Fred Luter's Southern Baptist Presidency Is About More than Race
Fred Luter's Southern Baptist Presidency Is About More than Race
United enthusiasm for the denomination's first African-American head signals other demographic changes, too, insiders say.
Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages
A series of 1980s music videos strung together by 'Saturday Night Live'-like skits and sappy teen romance.
Laughing at the Sexual Abuse of Boys?
A new movie suggests that boys want to be sexually exploited by adult women. Really?
Brian Presley Responds to Twitter Claims: 'It Didn’t Happen, but I Don't Want to Sling it Back'
Brian Presley Responds to Twitter Claims: 'It Didn’t Happen, but I Don't Want to Sling it Back'
Actor speaks for the first time about his now-famous red-eye flight and the tweets that lit up the internet.
Passing the Plate for Politics
Passing the Plate for Politics
Why it's legal for churches to take collections for PACs that oppose gay marriage.
So, You Want Some Respect?
So, You Want Some Respect?
The difference between the love of authority and the authority of love.
Why My Husband of Three Years and I Go to Marriage Counseling
Why My Husband of Three Years and I Go to Marriage Counseling
Therapy is not just for couples in trouble.
Steve Saint Partly Paralyzed Testing New Missionary Tech
Steve Saint Partly Paralyzed Testing New Missionary Tech
Son of martyred missionary Nate Saint invented flying car to advance indigenous missions.
Declining to Photograph a Same-Sex Ceremony: Is It Legal to Refuse a Gay Client?
Declining to Photograph a Same-Sex Ceremony: Is It Legal to Refuse a Gay Client?
A court in New Mexico says no. We map the arguments.
Why the NAE Issued a Clergy Code of Ethics
Why the NAE Issued a Clergy Code of Ethics
Uncertainty on issues like use of time, family obligations, plagiarism, and pornography sparked a call for a broad statement, says Luder Whitlock.
What Does the New Statement on Immigration Reform Actually Mean?
What Does the New Statement on Immigration Reform Actually Mean?
Translating immigration reform buzz words into policy terms.
Exclusive: Focus on the Family's Jim Daly on a New Stance on Immigration Reform
Exclusive: Focus on the Family's Jim Daly on a New Stance on Immigration Reform
Daly explains why he joined a coalition of evangelical leaders when the organization has not taken a public stance on the issue in the past.
There's No Leaving Now
Punching Bag
The Song of Songs
Ditch the Diploma: Why College Graduates Are Questioning Their Education
And why you might question whether God is calling you to get a bachelor's degree.
I Am Not Charles Worley: The Plea of a Christian Who Opposes Gay Marriage
With the long election season looming ahead, I wish fellow Christians would extend a hermeneutic of grace to each other.
Peace, Love and Misunderstanding
This love letter to present-day Woodstock preaches love and condemns fighting, but its platitudes render it predictable and one-sided.
A sci-fi/horror thriller with lots of action but not much in terms of wonder, storytelling, or big ideas.
Shouldn't a Ban on Sex-Selective Abortions in America Be a No-Brainer?
In the war on women, two very different battles are being fought.
Miss America Has a Faith-based Platform for Kids of Prisoners
Miss America Has a Faith-based Platform for Kids of Prisoners
Laura Keppeler makes glamorous appearances for a most unglamorous cause.
Prison Advocates on Federal Standards to End Prison Rape: Late and Incomplete
Prison Advocates on Federal Standards to End Prison Rape: Late and Incomplete
Justice Fellowship calls the Department of Justice's decision to exclude immigration facilities from new rules "outrageous."
Is There Anything Redeeming in the '50 Shades' Trilogy?
If we can't avoid trashy novels, perhaps Christian women could see the book's popularity as a missional opportunity without having to read it.
California's Gay Marriage Case Likely Headed to Supreme Court
California's Gay Marriage Case Likely Headed to Supreme Court
Ruling paves way for High Court to review Proposition 8.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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