September (Web-only) 2012

Walden Responds to Critics
President of production company tells CT that criticisms of 'Won't Back Down' don't stand up.
Did Evangelicals Change the Climate Change Conversation?
Did Evangelicals Change the Climate Change Conversation?
Agnostic scholar Katharine Wilkinson looks at the legacy of the Evangelical Climate Initiative.
This time-travelling sci-fi drama is carefully plotted, beautifully executed, and full of important questions.
Won't Back Down
Won't Back Down
A controversial film about educational reform doesn't make the grade.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
A compelling look at grief and guilt and the wonderfully horrid experience that is high school.
The Problem with "Awkward Couples of Liberty University"
And other postmodern instruments of public shame.
Flight from North Korea
Flight from North Korea
Asia's underground railroad has deeply Christian origins, says journalist Melanie Kirkpatrick.
A New Chapter in the Homeschooling Movement
Homeschooling families will thrive if they work together, not maroon themselves on separate islands.
Celebrating Life in Hollywood
New organization devoted to films that promote human dignity.
Religious Groups' Anti-Trafficking Fight Draws in Obama
Religious Groups' Efforts to Fight Sex Trafficking Draws Presidential Attention
Obama says human trafficking will become a major focus of his Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Obama at the U.N.: A New Religion Doctrine
Obama at the U.N.: A New Religion Doctrine
"Given the power of faith in our lives ... the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression; it is more speech," President says.
One of the Most Ironic Religious Freedom Lawsuits Ever Filed
The Story Behind One of the Most Ironic Religious Freedom Lawsuits Ever Filed
The religious discrimination complaint against the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom moves closer to trial.
Discerning Obama's America
Discerning Obama's America
A political scientist examines Dinesh D'Souza's '2016.'
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Higgs Boson?
How new scientific discoveries have shaped my theology.
Mumford & the Son
Mumford & the Son
Exploring the Christ-haunted lyrics of Marcus Mumford and his popular band.
Into the Light
Leonard the Lonely Astronaut
Pilgrims & Prodigals
Evangelicals Vote Republican—Mormon or No Mormon
Evangelicals Vote Republican—Mormon or No Mormon
Some pundits said evangelicals would never support a Mormon. They were wrong.
Hookup Culture Is Good for Women, and Other Feminist Myths
According to 'Atlantic' essayist Hanna Rosin, we should celebrate that young women are now acting as sexually selfish as their male counterparts.
Making Too Much of Marriage
Making Too Much of Marriage
The problem is not God's good gift of holy matrimony—it's when we desire it above all else, forgetting the Christian virtue of self-denial.
A woman overcomes tragic loss by learning to love and forgive in unexpected ways.
End of Watch
An entertaining addition to the buddy cop genre, highlighted by both humor and gravity.
Trouble with the Curve
An estranged father and daughter try to reconnect while scouting a baseball player for the upcoming draft.
Adopting a Kid, Not a Cause
What ever happened to adopting simply out of the desire to have children?
Song of the Secularist
Song of the Secularist
Jacques Berlinerblau offers a soaring paean to freedom from religion, but the American people don't seem to be singing along.
What Christians Can Learn from the Chicago Teacher Strikes
Lessons gleaned from the uproar now that Chicago students are back in class.
'Jesus Said to Them, "My Wife..."'
'Jesus Said to Them, "My Wife..."'
Manuscript fragment apparently from the 300s suggests debate over whether Jesus was married.
Movie Purgatory
Movie Purgatory
'Hellbound?,' seemingly bound to fail from the beginning, never takes a stand on the issue.
Romney vs. Romney on the Safety Net
Romney vs. Romney on the Safety Net
Romney's remarks at a fundraiser don't square with what he told faith leaders last week.
Make It Right
Heart of Stone
True Love Obeys: Why We Abstain from Premarital Sex
Efforts like the True Love Waits campaign often hinge on promises that may never be fulfilled.
A Bridge Between North and South
A Bridge Between North and South
Elijah Kim's survey of global Christianity envisions "renewalist" movements fostering a new era of evangelical unity.
Arbitrage engrosses its viewer while disappointing with occasional lack of substance.
Master, The
The Master
Scientology epic explores human nature and our attraction to self-help systems.
2016: Obama's America
2016: Obama's America
Breakout documentary explores the ideological heritage of Barack Obama.
Gaining the Whole World Wide Web without Losing Our Souls
Is it possible?
Give Church-State Peace a Chance
Give Church-State Peace a Chance
Michael Meyerson charts a historical path between the extremes of our church-state debates.
Audio Adrenaline to the Max
Er, actually, it's Kevin Max to a newly re-formed Audio A. Rock on.
Out with the Old (Testament)?
Out with the Old (Testament)?
Paula Fredriksen ignores the early church's Israelite foundations, producing a selective (but lively) history of the idea of sin.
Keeping It Real: The Truth about Authenticity
Do we Christians even understand what the buzzword means?
Closer than Ever to the Breath of God
Closer than Ever to the Breath of God
Why Protestants are especially fascinated with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Restless Heart
Restless Heart
This St. Augustine biopic is memorable more for its subject's merit than its own.
No Exceptions: The Case for a Consistent Pro-Life Ethic
Is unborn life not worth protecting in cases of rape and incest?
When Planned Parenthood Attacks
When Planned Parenthood Attacks
Karen Handel speaks about the intense fire she faced during the abortion provider's funding feud with the Susan G. Komen foundation.
The Dark Side of Dylan
The Dark Side of Dylan
Yes, his new album delves deeply into the shadows. But then, so does the gospel.
The Carpenter
Away from the World
Remembering You
The Peace of Wild Things
Pure and Simple
How Marriage Changed My View of Men
When you live side by side a flesh-and-blood man, stereotypes fall short.
'God' on the Campaign Trail
'God' on the Campaign Trail
Romney campaigns on keeping 'God' on our coins (and in his heart) after Democratic Party debate.
Want to Love Your Kids? Stop Overparenting Them
My parents modeled what it looked like to serve God with their gifts while letting us kids explore our own.
My Perfect Husband, and the Death Trap of Comparing Marriages
My Perfect Husband, and the Death Trap of Comparing Marriages
The danger of making your own marriage the gold standard for all others.
All Things Possible
Cracked Rear View
Cracked Rear View
Jim Sonefeld's past is marred by alcoholism, but the former Hootie drummer is on the straight and narrow now.
Canton Junction
Steve Jobs, Back to School, and Why Doubt Belongs in Your Youth Group Curriculum
Our research at the Fuller Youth Institute suggests unexpressed doubt leads young people to leave the faith.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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