November (Web-only) 2012

What's Driving Evangelical Enthusiasm?
What's Driving Evangelical Enthusiasm?
Data shows growing Catholic-evangelical "intensity gap"—but it doesn't indicate exactly why.
Striving After Holiness Shouldn't Be Controversial
Yes, Holiness Does Require Effort
Kevin DeYoung responds to Mark Galli and our other reviewers.
How to Wait for a Slow-Moving Messiah
Advent, says author Enuma Okoro, teaches us how to wait on a God whose timetable looks nothing like ours.
If at First You Don't Succeed, Stop Trying so Hard
If at First You Don't Succeed, Stop Trying so Hard
The self-conscious pursuit of holiness leaves us despairing over (inevitable) failures or gloating pridefully over (illusory) successes.
How Not to Help All the Single Ladies
Blaming women for their own singleness is about as productive as a 'Cosmo' checklist.
Preaching Holiness to Reformed Theology Nuts
Preaching Holiness to Reformed Theology Nuts
Can Kevin DeYoung's message reach people outside his particular Christian subculture?
Good Workplace Boundaries in a Post-Petraeus World
How Christian professionals can navigate tricky career situations with wisdom and grace.
The Sweaty Work of Sanctification
The Sweaty Work of Sanctification
Holiness is God's gift to redeemed Christians, but we need to strive for it all the same.
How the Young Star of 'Two and a Half Men' Became a 'Paid Hypocrite'
How 'Two and a Half Men' Star Became a 'Paid Hypocrite'
Angus T. Jones explains the conversion that led him to denounce his CBS sitcom as 'filth.'
The Best New Christmas Music of 2012
The Best New Christmas Music of 2012
From Arkansas folk to Celtic harmonies, 'tis the season for the "seasonal" genre.
How to Deal with Insensitive Christians
Why saying "thank you" instead of "how dare you" is a gospel witness.
The Hole In Our Holiness Goes Even Deeper
The Hole In Our Holiness Goes Even Deeper
Kevin DeYoung uncovers a troubling erosion of personal evangelical piety, but what about the public implications of godly living?
Holy Homemaking: A Response from Rachel Held Evans
Clearing up one misconception about my new book.
Life of Pi
Life of Pi
Director Ang Lee creates a big, beautiful, and very spiritual film. But the spirituality is all over the map.
Why a Big Stomach Belongs at Thanksgiving
Why a Big Stomach Belongs at Thanksgiving
And how my own appetite went from enemy to dear friend.
Post-Election Fight over the 'Evangelical' Brand
Post-Election Fight over the 'Evangelical' Brand
Jim Daly, other leaders want 'evangelical' to be less about politics.
What China's Seven New Rulers Mean for Its 80 Million Christians
What China's Seven New Rulers Mean for Its 80 Million Christians
Once-a-decade Communist Party transition 'bodes well' for the surging Chinese church.
How God Makes Beauty from Barrenness
What I learned from three female saints who never bore children—physical ones, anyway.
Why Americans Don't Think God Talk is Weird
Why Americans Don't Think God Talk is Weird
Robert Wuthnow says modern believers maintain a creative tension between the worldviews of naturalism and religion.
The Surprising Christian Organizations Suing the Government
The Surprising Christian Organizations Suing the Government
Many suing over the HHS contraception mandate are doing so "despite, not because of, the culture war aspect."
'He's Just Not a Spiritual Leader,' and Other Christian Dating Myths
I've seen otherwise strong couples fall apart because the woman held an unfair spiritual standard for the man.
A stellar film about the Great Emancipator—and a lesson in working with a divided Congress.
There Are No Women Voters—and No Women's Issues
Political candidates will never be able to get the coveted "women voters" bloc. It just doesn't exist.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2
The series finale ends on a modest high note by delivering exactly what its fans want.
Is the Petraeus Scandal a Religious Affair?
Is the Petraeus Scandal a Religious Affair?
Some see echoes of King David.
A Century After Bringing the Theater to Church, Aimee Semple McPherson Heads to Broadway
A Century After Bringing the Theater to Church, Aimee Semple McPherson Heads to Broadway
Foursquare Foundation helped to finance Kathie Lee Gifford's "Scandalous."
Exposing the Sins of the Baby Boomers
My grandfather left me enough to buy a minivan. I can barely leave my kids with enough to buy a tricycle.
What You Don't Know About Complementarian Women
In her new book, Rachel Held Evans wants to put us all in one camp. Not so fast.
When Ironic Sexism Comes to Church
Have Christians started mimicking our culture's winking anti-woman attitudes?
For the Glory
Our Desert Ways
Does the World Really Want a New Supertones Album?
Does the World Really Want a New Supertones Album?
Yes, it's overtly Christian. Yes, it's ska. Yes, this is 2012. And they know it.
Church Leaders Are Reshaping Ministry for 1 Million Returning Vets
Church Leaders Are Reshaping Ministry for 1 Million Returning Vets
Former military members need time and attention, but not necessarily programs.
How to Treat Veterans in Your Church
How to Treat Veterans in Your Church
Recognizing them and their service doesn't mean making them stand up on Sunday morning.
The 'Benevolent Sexism' at Christian Colleges
The 'Benevolent Sexism' at Christian Colleges
A new study finds that women faculty say they're undermined and passed over for advancement because of their gender. But they're happier than they'd be at secular schools.
The 23rd official Bond film is a return to the movies of the past—for better and worse.
New Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Inherits a Divided Anglican Communion
New Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Inherits a Divided Anglican Communion
Evangelical leader says he'll re-examine his opposition to same-sex marriage.
Sorry, 'Emergence Christianity' Still Isn't the Reformation
Sorry, 'Emergence Christianity' Still Isn't the Reformation
Phyllis Tickle's investigation into the varieties of "emergence Christianity" is insufficiently skeptical about "this new thing that God is doing."
Why Adoption Is the Best Way to Stop Abortion
It is time we begin to see adoption as a viable, systemic, and bipartisan solution.
Does It Matter that Evangelicals Became Pro-life Recently?
Does It Matter that Evangelicals Became Pro-life Recently?
One pundit says it proves our biblical views are driven by politics. Not quite.
After Election 2012: Living in the 'New Moral Landscape'
After Election 2012: Living in the 'New Moral Landscape'
A roundup of post-election buzz and responses.
In Defeats, Evangelicals' Political Unity at All-Time High
In Defeats, Evangelicals' Political Unity at All-Time High
In three decades, born-again voters have gone from an even split to 4-to-1 Republican.
The Problem with the #First-World-Problem Trend
Instead of inciting real change, the Internet meme just breeds guilt about legitimate complaints.
Seeing the Hidden Grace of Alzheimer's
Seeing the Hidden Grace of Alzheimer's
Those who appear weak and foolish can be powerful conduits of God's love.
Voting with Queen Esther on Election Day
Why we need her witness especially today.
Will Neighbor Love Persist after Hurricane Sandy?
Will Neighbor Love Persist after Hurricane Sandy?
It shouldn't take a natural disaster to get us to remember the people next door.
After Superstorm Sandy, Advice For Churches
After Superstorm Sandy, Advice for Churches from the First Christian Disaster Research Center
An interview with Wheaton College's new Humanitarian Disaster Institute.
Child's Ballot Will Determine November Election—Of Next Coptic Pope
Child's Ballot Will Determine November Election—Of Next Coptic Pope
Egypt's Orthodox cast lots Sunday to find God's choice for who succeeds Pope Shenouda III.
The Year Of The Personal Endorsement
The Year Of The Personal Endorsement
Why evangelical leaders who've been coy in the past are now making their picks explicit.
The Christian Case for the American Dream
Even though economists say the dream is nothing more than a fairytale, I'm still not ready to let it go.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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