December (Web-only) 2012

Faith-Based Medicine for Fractured Nations
Faith-Based Medicine for Fractured Nations
Where conflict has torn a country apart, religion can play an important role in bringing it back together.
Contraceptives, Guns, Chicken: Top Newsmakers of 2012
Contraceptives, Guns, Chicken: Top Newsmakers of 2012
CT rounds up end-of-year lists from around the web.
Why C.S. Lewis Didn't Write for Christianity Today
Why C.S. Lewis Didn't Write for Christianity Today
Carl Henry wanted more 'Mere Christianity' and direct theology. Lewis didn't.
How the Early Church Made Peace with Prosperity
How the Early Church Made Peace with Prosperity
As the early church grew in wealth and stature, it displaced existing Roman models of caring for the poor.
Dispatch from the End of the World
Dispatch from the End of the World
Trying to minister amid the ancient Mayan ruins of Palenque.
Worship Christ the Newborn King
Worship Christ the Newborn King
This, this is Christ the King. It's not just imagery and metaphor.
Impossible, The
The Impossible
An amazing-but-true story about a loving family's fight for survival after the 2004 tsunami.
Zero Dark Thirty
Zero Dark Thirty
A thriller about the hunt for Osama bin Laden captures the conflicted, complex moral issues of the operation.
Django Unchained
Django Unchained
Simultaneously infuriating and exhilarating—in other words, quintessential Tarantino.
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
The moving musical of love and grace comes to the big screen with amazing performances.
Stop Reading This and Get Back in the Kitchen
Why our Christmas domesticity matters more than we know.
Go Overboard Celebrating Christmas
Go Overboard Celebrating Christmas
A godliness that won't delight in fudge and eggnog is no godliness at all.
Not How, But Why to Talk to Your Kids about Newtown
Why we discuss evil and brokenness with our children.
Government Backs Down on Contraceptive Mandate
Government Backs Down on Contraceptive Mandate
Promises to "never enforce" current HHS rule against Wheaton College or similar religious employers. But is it a real victory?
Why We Fight for Campus Access
Why We Fight for Campus Access
The tensions over InterVarsity's leadership requirements have been costly. But the struggle—not just the outcome—is worth it.
What Civilization V Gets Right (and Wrong) About Christianity
Gods of Power and Might: What Civilization V Gets Right (and Wrong) About Christianity
When games include religion, it's as one more tool for winning. That might soon change.
The Media and the Massacre
The Media and the Massacre
True compassion requires turning off the news.
My Bummer Christmas Pregnancy
I thought being pregnant now would bring me closer to Mary and her Child.
The 2012 CT Music Awards
The 2012 CT Music Awards
Christianity Today picks the top 12 albums of the year.
Sufjan Stevens's Conflicted Christmas
Sufjan Stevens's Conflicted Christmas
100 songs in, Stevens understands the joys, pains, and ironies of Christmas like no other artist.
Was the Sandy Hook Shooter Sinful or Just Sick?
How Jesus' earthly ministry gives us the answer.
The Wild Grace of Christmas
The Wild Grace of Christmas
And its wildness is what prompts us to tame it.
Why Helping the Poor Is Not Enough
China's diabetes epidemic reminds us that material and spiritual well being don't always overlap. Much of the time, they don't.
On the Death—and Life—of Innocent Children
On the Death—and Life—of Innocent Children
The 20 slain in Connecticut are not alone, nor without hope.
The Hidden Purpose of the Hobbit’s Adventure
The Hidden Purpose of the Hobbit’s Adventure
Gandalf promises Bilbo Baggins a “profitable” quest, but the wizard has a different sort of treasure in mind.
Want to Be Happy? Read, and See, Anna Karenina
Tolstoy's vision of happiness still resonates in a world starving for real contentment.
Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth
Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth
At odds with his world, he created another.
Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Tolkien's classic quest is interpreted through the wider lens of his full Middle-Earth works.
The Foolish Wisdom of Bilbo Baggins
The Foolish Wisdom of Bilbo Baggins
There is "more of good" in the hobbit than is apparent at the outset of his adventure.
Why Your Social Media Use Hurts Your Kids
Think twice before live-tweeting your Christmas Day family time.
Why Gabby Douglas Almost Quit Before the Olympics
Why Gabby Douglas Almost Quit Before the Olympics
The gold medalist talks to CT about her upbringing, her absent dad, and her plans for Rio 2016.
Notable Sacred Music for 2012
Notable Sacred Music for 2012
From ye olde classics to African-American spirituals to more modern fare, a versatile mix.
Sexy 'n Spiritual Tees for Jesus
The problem with OMG Wear—and other displays of Christian fandom.
What You Need to Know About the Bay Psalm Book
What You Need to Know About the Bay Psalm Book
Boston's Old South Church is selling a copy of the historic volume. Here's why it's such a big deal.
How Josh Wilson Became a 'Loopy' Guitarist
How Josh Wilson Became a 'Loopy' Guitarist
He plays up to 24 instruments in the studio and on stage, and now on a Christmas album.
Third Prosecutor Removed from Turkish Christian Murder Trials
Turkish High Council Removes Third Prosecutor from Christian Murder Trials
Latest shuffle occurs after November hearings for 19 suspects accused of brutal 2007 murders.
What to Do When Your Child Is Nothing Like You
The gospel answer to the challenges posed by family differences.
Actually, Evangelicals Were Quite Enthusiastic About Romney
Actually, Evangelicals Were Quite Enthusiastic About Romney
Two new reports shine new light on what happened in last month's election.
Shedding Light on the Sin of Military Rape
'The Invisible War' is a rallying cry for reforming our military's culture.
Mary Neal Describes Her Visit to Heaven
Mary Neal Describes Her Visit to the Gates of Heaven
The best-selling author talks about why she thinks it was real.
Did Scientists Really Discover the 'Gene That Makes Us Human'?
Did Scientists Really Discover the 'Gene That Makes Us Human'?
What's inside the significant discovery of miR-941.
Soul Lessons from the Literary Classics
Two of Her.meneutics' book nerds discuss 'Madame Bovary' and other books featured in Karen Swallow Prior's new memoir.
Why C.S. Lewis Was Wrong on Marriage (and J.R.R. Tolkien Was Right)
Why C.S. Lewis Was Wrong on Marriage (and J.R.R. Tolkien Was Right)
Lewis surrendered his central conviction when he argued for "two distinct kinds of marriage."
Waking Up the Church to Gender Injustice
Waking Up the Church to Gender Injustice
A CT interview with "Half the Sky" coauthor Nicholas Kristof.
Why Mark Driscoll Is Wrong about Twilight
The popular series' troubling take on love actually overlaps with Driscoll's teachings on men and women.
What Do They Teach at These British Schools?
What Do They Teach at These British Schools?
The country's new debates over religious education and human origins curricula.
Should High-Profile Converts Wait to Publicly Share Their Conversion?
Should High-Profile Converts Wait to Publicly Share Their Conversion?
Experts weigh in on controversy over Two and a Half Men star's conversion.
Christians Find Few Shades of Grey in Book's Popularity
Christians Find Few Shades of Grey in Book's Popularity
Bestselling "mommy porn" trilogy prompts fresh questions on cultural engagement.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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