May (Web-only) 2019

Oh, the Places We’ll Stay
Oh, the Places We’ll Stay
In a world that promises liberation from the limits of place, we are called to be rooted disciples.
How David Brooks Meandered Toward God
How David Brooks Meandered Toward God
The New York Times columnist hasn’t become a Christian of the “Protestant evangelical variety,” but his latest book offers a fine example of spiritual autobiography.
Some Christians Are Turning Over a New Leaf with CBD Oil
Some Christians Are Turning Over a New Leaf with CBD Oil
Those using the hemp-based product often find relief amid a lack of understanding and regulation.
Why ‘Follow Your Passions’ Is Bad Advice for Graduates
Why ‘Follow Your Passions’ Is Bad Advice for Graduates
Four countercultural insights for outgoing students.
How We Have Forgotten God
How We Have Forgotten God
Evangelical faith is no longer characterized by its initial passion.
Why Foursquare’s Female Leaders Have It Harder Today
Why Foursquare’s Female Leaders Have It Harder Today
The Pentecostal denomination was founded by a woman nearly a century ago, but it has failed to elect another female president since.
A Major New Study Asks: How Does Church Affect Marital Health?
A Major New Study Asks: How Does Church Affect Marital Health?
A recent report suggests that highly religious couples have better relationships and better sex. Domestic violence, however, is the same for them as their less religious neighbors.
Did God Endow All His Creatures with an Appreciation of Beauty?
Did God Endow All His Creatures with an Appreciation of Beauty?
When it seems the whole world suffers, animals are still offering praise.
How Can Today’s Pro-Life Christians Build Trust in the Movement?
How Can Today’s Pro-Life Christians Build Trust in the Movement?
Four leaders share their vision for what demonstrating pro-life convictions really looks like.
The Gospel Calls Us to Perfection, Not Perfectionism
The Gospel Calls Us to Perfection, Not Perfectionism
Holiness is a hard challenge. The key is surrender, not striving.
Why Jesus Couldn’t Do Miracles in His Hometown
Why Jesus Couldn’t Do Miracles in His Hometown
The lack of signs and wonders in Nazareth says more about Jesus than about people’s lack of faith.
Why Character Is Making a Comeback
Why Character Is Making a Comeback
Character formation isn’t just an individual process, says Anne Snyder. It requires institutions.
The Call to Self-Discipline in a Media-Saturated Age
The Call to Self-Discipline in a Media-Saturated Age
Our society is addicted to spectacle. How do we keep our eyes are fixed on Christ?
I Used to Hide My Shame. Now I Take Shelter Under the Gospel.
I Used to Hide My Shame. Now I Take Shelter Under the Gospel.
How a gay atheist teenager discovered Jesus and stopped living undercover.
The Heart of the Evangelical Crisis
The Heart of the Evangelical Crisis
It’s more fundamental than we’ve been led to believe.
Welcome to Church. Want to Take a Selfie?
Welcome to Church. Want to Take a Selfie?
With photo booths for special occasions, Instagram-friendly congregations navigate the tension between sharing faith and showing off.
Parents Need Villages, Not Just Public Policies
Parents Need Villages, Not Just Public Policies
American families are floundering for support. The church is a great place to start.
Enter His Kitchen With Thanksgiving and His Pantry with Praise
Enter His Kitchen With Thanksgiving and His Pantry with Praise
This Mother’s Day and every day, feeding my kids is an opportunity for prayer.
RE: Rachel Held Evans
RE: Rachel Held Evans
Our publishing process was less than perfect.
My Son Needed the Love of the Church. I Wasn’t Sure It Was Possible.
My Son Needed the Love of the Church. I Wasn’t Sure It Was Possible.
Including the cognitively disabled in ministry is a chance to live in a cross-shaped way.
Who Needs to Hear Proverbs 31 the Most?
Who Needs to Hear Proverbs 31 the Most?
The ‘wife of noble character’ is rarely applied to whom it was meant to describe.
Balm for the Religious-Freedom Lover’s Soul
Balm for the Religious-Freedom Lover’s Soul
Steven Waldman’s book helps “complainers” like me regain a sense of perspective.
Rachel Held Evans Had a Story
“Greg the Apologist” remembers his former student and interlocutor.
From Marijuana to Magic Mushrooms: Weighing Drugs’ Benefits and Detriments
From Marijuana to Magic Mushrooms: Weighing Drugs’ Benefits and Detriments
Neuroscientist William Struthers encourages wisdom as a flurry of drugs move from taboo to enrichment.
Sabbath Rest: Not Just for Grownups
Sabbath Rest: Not Just for Grownups
I want my children to know how to work hard. I also want them to know that hard work doesn’t define them.
CT Women: Our 15 Favorite Prayers
CT Women: Our 15 Favorite Prayers
Women from across the country share words that shape their prayer lives.
The Three-Letter Word That Undergirds Gospel Living
The Three-Letter Word That Undergirds Gospel Living
Loving across our differences requires the power of paradox.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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