September (Web-only) 2020

Why We Get Up in the Morning Shouldn’t Differ from Sunday to Monday
Why We Get Up in the Morning Shouldn’t Differ from Sunday to Monday
Steven Garber envisions lives marked by greater coherence between our deepest commitments and our everyday cares.
The City That Never Stops Worshipping
The City That Never Stops Worshipping
Though some have likened it to Sodom and Gomorrah, New York City has a long history of religious vibrancy.
A High Bar and High Praise for Christian Education
A High Bar and High Praise for Christian Education
A recent report confirms the lifelong value of a classic, faith-driven school experience for students.
Making Your Church Manlier Won’t Make It Bigger
Making Your Church Manlier Won’t Make It Bigger
History tells us that denominational growth has nothing to do with sex ratios in the pews.
Why We Report Bad News About Leaders
Why We Report Bad News About Leaders
A note from the editors on the Ravi Zacharias investigation.
Mental Illness and the ‘Medical Theodicy’ Trap
Mental Illness and the ‘Medical Theodicy’ Trap
Why do we feel such a palpable sense of spiritual relief when the problem is with the body rather than the mind?
Stung Like a Bee
Stung Like a Bee
White evangelicalism failed to lead and take action for racial reconciliation in America.
In Christ, It’s ‘Yes In My Backyard’
In Christ, It’s ‘Yes In My Backyard’
Cyprian of Carthage offers caution against the “suburban lifestyle dream.”
Why the Supreme Court Makeup Matters Beyond Abortion
Why the Supreme Court Makeup Matters Beyond Abortion
Legal experts cite religious freedom and free speech among the major issues for evangelicals in a post–Ruth Bader Ginsburg court.
Our Personal Scars Can Help Others Heal
Our Personal Scars Can Help Others Heal
There are four marks of wounded healers.
The Supreme Court Needs to Be Less Central to American Public Life
The Supreme Court Needs to Be Less Central to American Public Life
Here’s what evangelicals should expect—and not expect—from the highest court in the land.
Rediscovering the Pedagogical Power of Narnia
Rediscovering the Pedagogical Power of Narnia
C. S. Lewis’s fiction can teach virtue, according to a new curriculum. But the true potential is so much more.
Preach What You Practice
Preach What You Practice
Decades ago, theologian Paul Jewett modeled moves white Christians must make toward racial solidarity.
Middle-Age Couples: Your Marriage Doesn’t Have to Be Stuck in Survival Mode
Middle-Age Couples: Your Marriage Doesn’t Have to Be Stuck in Survival Mode
How the stresses and strains of aging can strengthen the bonds of love.
Reagan, Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Obama All Cited One Puritan Sermon
Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama All Cited One Puritan Sermon to Explain America
How did a forgotten colonial text become a national origin story?
Why ‘Cuties’  Isn’t Just Netflix’s Problem
Why ‘Cuties’ Isn’t Just Netflix’s Problem
The sexual exploitation of children is a symptom of a larger disease—one that we’re complicit in.
Seven Deadly Sins, One Presidential Election
Seven Deadly Sins, One Presidential Election
Pride, envy, greed, and the rest all rear their heads for 2020.
Fleeing the Oregon Fires Forced Me to Rethink the Future
Fleeing the Oregon Fires Forced Me to Rethink the Future
The exiled Israelites followed a pillar of smoke, one day at a time. Maybe I can do the same.
Keep Calm and Reboot
Keep Calm and Reboot
The Christian disciplines of self-suspicion, forgiveness, and hope all function well. We need to restart our faith in them.
The Absence of Injustice Is Not Justice
The Absence of Injustice Is Not Justice
Acting affirmatively on the side of racial justice affirms the truth of the gospel.
Christian Colleges Are in Crisis. Here’s What That Means for the Church.
Christian Colleges Are in Crisis. Here’s What That Means for the Church.
If we save them, our schools can be beacons of light for the Christian community.
In This Fraught Racial Moment, We Need a Refresher on Human Depravity
In This Fraught Racial Moment, We Need a Refresher on Human Depravity
We also need a reminder of God’s radical grace.
Monuments Can Be Destroyed, but Not Forgotten
Monuments Can Be Destroyed, but Not Forgotten
Our most controversial stone statues carry layers of communal history that aren’t easily cast aside.
Rise of the Machines: New Book Applies Christian Ethics to the Future of AI
Rise of the Machines: New Book Applies Christian Ethics to the Future of AI
John Lennox reflects on questions of consciousness in computers, enhancing humans, and other quandaries.
All For Love’s Sake
All For Love’s Sake
Bridging racial divides requires love as the motivation.
Scripture Won’t Let You Endure Suffering on Your Own
Scripture Won’t Let You Endure Suffering on Your Own
Fellow believers might abandon you or cover you in happy talk. But the Bible offers companionship with saints who know sorrow.
What Happens at Liberty Doesn’t Stay at Liberty
What Happens at Liberty Doesn’t Stay at Liberty
The Falwell investigation has far-reaching consequences for local churches in Virginia and beyond.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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