February (Web-only) 2022

Kids Can Sing and Shout. How Do We Teach Them to Worship?
Kids Can Sing and Shout. How Do We Teach Them to Worship?
From Isaac Watts to Shane & Shane, songwriters have seen the power of music for the minds of young believers.
The Ukrainian Needed Prayer. The Russian Volunteered.
The Ukrainian Needed Prayer. The Russian Volunteered.
How two Christian friends, divided by borders but united by their passion for evangelism, brought a prayer meeting to tears as war raged.
5 Ukrainian Worship Songs for War and Peace
5 Ukrainian Worship Songs for War and Peace
In the midst of violent conflict, Christians in Ukraine are still declaring their God is “Mighty to Save.”
Despite Censorship, Chinese Christians Speak Out for Xuzhou Chained Woman
Despite Censorship, Chinese Christians Speak Out for Xuzhou Chained Woman
Five believers in China and US offer reflections on the tragedy still dominating WeChat discussions.
This Present Global Darkness
This Present Global Darkness
The “angels of nations” described in Scripture remind us that cosmic evil shapes the politics of earthly warfare. Let's pray accordingly.
Scripture Interprets Scripture. This Book Shows How.
Scripture Interprets Scripture. This Book Shows How.
Pastors and scholars can now explore cross-references throughout the Old Testament.
Theology Cannot Save Us
Theology Cannot Save Us
The recent splinters in evangelicalism arise more from tribal loyalties and political rhetoric than doctrinal differences.
The Ukrainian Church: ‘We Need More Bibles’
The Ukrainian Church: ‘We Need More Bibles’
As Eastern Europe goes to war, Scripture is in higher demand, say some.
The Arc of White Evangelical Racism Is Long, but Complicated
The Arc of White Evangelical Racism Is Long, but Complicated
Anthea Butler’s book isn’t for those who don’t like being challenged, but her account leaves out important nuance.
Teach Black History Better by Learning from Jesus
Teach Black History Better by Learning from Jesus
How Christian teachers can tell the story of Black history in culturally relevant ways.
3 Lessons for Chinese Churches from Herman Bavinck
3 Lessons for Chinese Churches from Herman Bavinck
The Dutch theologian’s concern for the catholic, contextual, and public nature of the Christian faith can help congregations overcome sectarianism and stereotypes.
How Putin's Politics Threaten the Church's Witness
How Putin’s Politics Threaten the Church’s Witness
American evangelicals can learn from Russia—by not treating religion as a tool to maintain power.
Studying Great Evangelicals’ Lives Made Me Less Ambitious
Studying Great Evangelicals’ Lives Made Me Less Ambitious
To avoid hurting our marriages and families, we can learn from forerunners in the faith.
The Puritans Were Masters of Rhetoric Because Rhetoric Wasn’t the Point
The Puritans Were Masters of Rhetoric Because Rhetoric Wasn’t the Point
Their most eloquent writing and preaching grew from a practical desire to communicate truth.
Everybody Loves Bavinck
Everybody Loves Bavinck
How a Dutch neo-Calvinist thinker became the latest Christian theologian-du-jour.
As a White Pastor, I Submitted to Black Leadership
As a White Pastor, I Submitted to Black Leadership
Here’s how it changed me.
Become a Correspondent/ Editor: Christian Buddhist Relation
Become a Correspondent/ Editor: Christian Buddhist Relation
We are looking for a full-time correspondent/editor to produce informative news and opinion articles focused on evangelical/Protestant Christians in Buddhist contexts in Asia.
Become a CT Asia Assistant Editor
Become a CT Asia Assistant Editor
Join Christianity Today’s Asia team.
Police Stole My Dignity. God Restored It.
Police Stole My Dignity. God Restored It.
A mistaken raid by Chicago cops sent me on a long path toward redemption.
Looking Back to Move Forward
Looking Back to Move Forward
A Black History Month conversation about memory, legacy, and faith.
Relationships Don’t Just Happen. They Take Training.
Relationships Don’t Just Happen. They Take Training.
We disciple our young people to love God and to work hard. But relational formation is important, too.
Why John Perkins Didn’t Want More White Christians like Jonathan Edwards
Why John Perkins Didn’t Want More White Christians like Jonathan Edwards
A violent and sinful history calls for a clearer presentation of the gospel.
The Waters of Baptism Flow Toward Humanity at Its Neediest
The Waters of Baptism Flow Toward Humanity at Its Neediest
Just as Jesus’ baptism launched his public ministry, our own baptisms ordinate us to a life of humble obedience and costly service.
Love Lessons from an Arranged Marriage
Love Lessons from an Arranged Marriage
I often lost hope that my husband and I would make it. Here’s why we did.
The Most Dangerous Form of Deconstruction
The Most Dangerous Form of Deconstruction
What if some evangelicals are so burned out on church that they don’t even know it?
The Early Christian Case for Reparations
The Early Christian Case for Reparations
Some ancient thinkers argued from Scripture that descendants of slaves deserve recompense.
Don’t Diss the Early-Marrieds
Don’t Diss the Early-Marrieds
Recent research suggests that young couples are doing fine, despite the stereotypes.
When You Feel Small, Look to the Cosmos and the Cross
When You Feel Small, Look to the Cosmos and the Cross
In times of doubt, I return to a Hubble telescope view of God.
As Korea Moves to Deport ‘Mayflower’ Church, Chinese Christians Debate Dodging the Cross
As Korea Moves to Deport ‘Mayflower’ Church, Chinese Christians Debate Dodging the Cross
Mainland believers sympathize with congregation’s concerns but disagree theologically over decision to flee China for Jeju Island.
Remembering Abouna Makary, Coptic Priest Loved by Evangelicals
Remembering Abouna Makary, Coptic Priest Loved by Egypt’s Evangelicals
Favorite Orthodox figure on Arabic Christian TV eulogized by fellow evangelist Sameh Maurice after COVID-19 death.
Meditations on WeChat’s Top Christian Blessings for Chinese New Year
Meditations on WeChat’s Top Christian Blessings for Chinese New Year
As Chinese Christians circulate images of Psalm 65 and Numbers 6, here are three more Bible verses worth sharing.
When We Were Your Age, We Needed Jesus Too
When We Were Your Age, We Needed Jesus Too
Thirty Christian authors remember the struggles of their teenage years while sharing hard-won gospel wisdom with teens today.
Books Open Windows into Holiness
Books Open Windows into Holiness
How models from literature guide us toward the good.
Porn Is Plotless
Porn Is Plotless
Faithful love requires a storyline, not just a series of sensations.
Nigeria’s Newest Bible Translation Started with Missionary Lepers
Nigeria’s Newest Bible Translation Started with Missionary Lepers
After the gospel came to a small community in northeast Nigeria, two men on two different continents spent five decades translating Scripture into the Kamwe language.
Miracles Don’t Violate the Laws of Nature
Miracles Don’t Violate the Laws of Nature
The ideas of a Scottish skeptic explain why some Westerners struggle to embrace signs and wonders.
The Witness of the Black Church Rings Through NBA History
The Witness of the Black Church Rings Through NBA History
Over 75 years of the professional league—and for decades before—Black Christians brought a social conscience to basketball.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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