April (Web-only) 2022

Apocalypse Now: How the Left and Right Get Danger Wrong
Apocalypse Now: How the Left and Right Get Danger Wrong
Alarmist thinking is toxic in politics and at odds with Christian hope.
How Black Holes Radiate God’s Glory
How Black Holes Radiate God’s Glory
Q&A with Reasons to Believe astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink on collapsing stars, quantum gravity, why physics isn’t finished, and what that tells us about our creator.
Biblical Exile Is Not About Losing Cultural Influence
Biblical Exile Is Not About Losing Cultural Influence
Christians throughout the ages face exile—but not in the way we often think of it.
The Church Should Ask Two Questions About the Current Drug Crisis
The Church Should Ask Two Questions About the Current Drug Crisis
Where do we find it? And more importantly, are we really prepared for what we’ll find?
Truth’s Table: How Black Christian Women Resist White Labels
Truth’s Table: How Black Christian Women Resist White Labels
Q&A: Ekemini Uwan and Christina Edmondson discuss how a podcast-turned-book explores the struggle to create a space to call their own.
Why We Fight About Football Prayers
Why We Fight About Football Prayers
The moral authority of high school coaches raises First Amendment questions the Supreme Court will have to consider in “Kennedy v. Bremerton.”
Christian Empathy Imagines Neighbors as Ourselves
Christian Empathy Imagines Neighbors as Ourselves
Stories like the Good Samaritan foster an awareness of others that cures our near-sightedness.
Ruth in the Time of Judges: An Alternative Reality Amid Conflicts
Ruth in the Time of Judges: An Alternative Reality Amid Conflicts
The contrast between the two Old Testament books can help Christians navigate today’s polarization.
Fragmentation Is Not What’s Killing Us
Fragmentation Is Not What’s Killing Us
False unity resolves division, but real unity involves holding diversity in tension.
Confessions of a Past Culture Warrior
Confessions of a Past Culture Warrior
During my youth, I played the polemicist. Here’s what I learned about true righteousness.
Hearing Lies About Russia’s War in Ukraine? The Best Defense Is Virtue.
Hearing Lies About Russia’s War in Ukraine? The Best Defense Is Virtue.
Our best weapon against information warfare can be found in Scripture.
No, Western Christians Are Not In Exile
No, Western Christians Are Not In Exile
But the church will live under occupation until the return of our King.
A Word in Song of Songs Doesn’t Always Mean What We Think It Means
When Song of Songs Uses a Word, It Doesn’t Always Mean What We Think It Means
Aimee Byrd is correct that the book diagnoses flawed understandings of human sexuality, but her interpretative choices are open to question.
On the Other Side of the Sea
On the Other Side of the Sea
A house church pastor in China shares how the image of the sea of glass in Revelation 15 brings hope and encouragement to the suffering church.
The Cross Contradicts Our Culture Wars
The Cross Contradicts Our Culture Wars
The victory of Christ was won by crucifixion, not societal conquest.
‘Christ’ Is Not Another Way to Say ‘Jesus’
‘Christ’ Is Not Another Way to Say ‘Jesus’
The resurrection message draws power from God’s kingship. But we often miss it.
Some Celebrated Jesus’ Resurrection. Others Started a Conspiracy Theory.
Some Celebrated Jesus’ Resurrection. Others Started a Conspiracy Theory.
Since Easter morning, forces have tried to obscure the most basic truth of the gospel.
How to Be Human Like God
How to Be Human Like God
Holy Week reminds us to imitate Jesus Christ as the author and perfecter of our faith.
Why Ukraine Calls Upon Michael the Archangel
Why Ukraine Calls Upon Michael the Archangel
How the country’s patron saint earned his reputation as a protector.
6 Ways to Vet a ‘Word from the Lord’
6 Ways to Vet a ‘Word from the Lord’
Prophetic words about a Christian’s calling should be subject to biblical discernment.
What Russian War Criminals Teach Us About Excusing Evil
What Russian War Criminals Teach Us About Excusing Evil
Blurring the line between good and evil happens in all human hearts.
A Century Later, the Chinese Union Version Still Dominant
A Century Later, the Chinese Union Version Still Dominant
Chinese church historian analyzes five reasons for the long-lasting influence of the CUV Bible translation.
Even the Rocks and the Cacti Cry Out
Even the Rocks and the Cacti Cry Out
A recent trip to Joshua Tree National Park brought home the wilderness of Lent.
Inside a Ukrainian Baptist Church at War
Inside a Ukrainian Baptist Church at War
Christians in Lviv work and pray for victory as they face their nation’s crisis head-on.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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