November (Web-only) 2022

Welcoming the Promised One
Welcoming the Promised One
From Advent meditation to Christmas celebration. In this special webinar, writers from CT’s “The Promised One” devotional share the stories behind their devotions and reflect on scriptural themes of the season.
God Doesn’t Use the Elf on the Shelf Method
God Doesn’t Use the Elf on the Shelf Method
It’s not the threat of divine surveillance but the extension of divine love that changes our hearts.
In England and Wales, Christianity Falls Below Half the Population
In England and Wales, Christianity Falls Below Half the Population
Analysis: The rise of the nonreligious raises questions for the faithful in a new era of pluralism and diversity.
There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Safe Space’
There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Safe Space’
Our culture values self-protection. But true love demands that we move toward each other.
The Theological Foundations of Natural Science
The Theological Foundations of Natural Science
Why the Christian worldview is the foundation of the method and spirit of science.
German Bible Translator Introduces Readers to ‘God’s New Reality’
German Bible Translator Introduces Readers to ‘God’s New Reality’
Theologian Roland Werner’s modern version Das Buch, now in its third edition, resonates with the unchurched and surprises the faithful.
3 Popular Misconceptions About Advent
3 Popular Misconceptions About Advent
Christian leaders from Brazil, Colombia, France, and the Philippines weigh in on mistaken beliefs about the season.
The Seed of Korean Christianity Grew in the Soil of Shamanism
The Seed of Korean Christianity Grew in the Soil of Shamanism
An awareness of the spirit world was a crucial component in missionary efforts to spread the gospel.
Love in a Time of Social Conflict
Love in a Time of Social Conflict
The cross calls us to sacrificial community, especially during a divided age.
Thanks Be to God for Scripted Gratitude
Thanks Be to God for Scripted Gratitude
The words I say every Sunday guide me toward gratefulness.
This Giving Season, Offer the Poor a Pew
This Giving Season, Offer the Poor a Pew
Church structures and schedules often make it hard for the working class to participate. Let's change that.
Making a Better Christianity Today: An Update
Making a Better Christianity Today: An Update
In March, we published on harassment reports at CT. Here are the steps we’ve taken since then.
The Science of Giving Thanks to God
The Science of Giving Thanks to God
A growing body of research backs the benefits of divine gratefulness, in good times and bad.
Solving Spiritual Abuse in the Church Is Simple and Straightforward—at Least in Theory
Solving Spiritual Abuse in the Church Is Simple and Straightforward—at Least in Theory
None of Michael Kruger’s proposals are earthshaking, but they require time, effort, and vigilance.
Where Angels Fear to Tread: Writing A TV Show About Jesus
Where Angels Fear to Tread: Writing A TV Show About Jesus
The screenwriters for “The Chosen” wanted a main character who is not like Superman.
Everything You Need to Know About the Respect for Marriage Act
Everything You Need to Know About the Respect for Marriage Act
The law recently advanced by the US Senate doesn’t deny religious liberty to those who support traditional unions.
Trump Won’t Divide the Church This Time (and That’s Not Necessarily Good News)
Trump Won’t Divide the Church This Time (and That’s Not Necessarily Good News)
Cynicism and cruelty are even worse than division.
A Requiem for the Twitter I Once Knew
A Requiem for the Twitter I Once Knew
The social media platform has birthed key movements and conversations. Here’s what I’ll miss if it dies or changes form.
Commending God’s Works to the Next Generation in China
Commending God’s Works to the Next Generation in China
A Chinese house church pastor reflects on the similarities of reaching Gen Z in China and the United States.
On the Streets of China, the Cross Shone Bright
On the Streets of China, the Cross Shone Bright
Chinese Christian posters boldly proclaimed salvation, freedom, and hope amid a tumultuous political period.
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselves.
Ancient Stone Marks China’s First Encounter with Christianity
Ancient Stone Marks China’s First Encounter with Christianity
What the Xi’an stele reveals about the rise and fall of the Nestorian church in the Tang Dynasty.
Without Answers, Long COVID Patients Keep the Faith
Without Answers, Long COVID Patients Keep the Faith
The uncertainty of the condition makes it a challenge for sufferers and caretakers.
How the Persecuted Church Wants You to Pray
How the Persecuted Church Wants You to Pray
Leaders in six countries explain how Christians can best support and rejoice with fellow believers suffering for their faith.
Orissa’s Christian Widows Struggle to Survive
Orissa’s Christian Widows Struggle to Survive
Nearly 15 years after a brutal massacre, victims struggle to overcome trauma and poverty.
If You See Something Unjust, Say Something
If You See Something Unjust, Say Something
The new Emmett Till film tells a story of racial apathy that still haunts the church today.
The Demise of Jerry Falwell Jr. Makes for Great Media Fodder
The Demise of Jerry Falwell Jr. Makes for Great Media Fodder
But how should Christians be engaging it?
150 Weeks of Composing Psalms Reaches Its Finale
150 Weeks of Composing Psalms Reaches Its Finale
After nearly three years, Poor Bishop Hooper’s accidental pandemic project concludes with a new psalter for the church.
3 Principles for Settling Political Spats in the Church
3 Principles for Settling Political Spats in the Church
When we see civic engagement as a limited strategy rather than a source of moral identity, we’re better equipped to reach across the partisan aisle.
Why Do Chinese People See Christianity as a Cultural Invasion?
Why Do Chinese People See Christianity as a Cultural Invasion?
“Buddha rode into China on a white elephant, while Jesus rode in on a cannonball.”
Loving God Means More Than Knowing about Him, but Not Less
Loving God Means More Than Knowing about Him, but Not Less
Our hearts and souls can’t fulfill the Great Commandment without our minds.
The Bible Keeps Record of Trauma. But Is It Trauma Informed?
The Bible Keeps Record of Trauma. But Is It Trauma Informed?
A Christian counselor on how Scripture keeps score—and the help we find beyond its pages.
Stop Praying for Persecuted Christians Only
Stop Praying for Persecuted Christians Only
We don’t demonstrate such exclusionary self-focus in other ministry spheres. Opening our aperture is biblical and aids our advocacy.
It’s Okay to Cram Before Election Day
It’s Okay to Cram Before Election Day
Our vote is not the reason for the hope we have.
What the Pelosi Attack Says About a Post-Truth Church
What the Pelosi Attack Says About a Post-Truth Church
Some evangelicals are endorsing political violence. It needs to stop.
The Evangelical Bubble Needs a Doorway
The Evangelical Bubble Needs a Doorway
We can protect our deepest convictions without closing ourselves off.
Go Ahead. Indulge Your Nostalgia.
Go Ahead. Indulge Your Nostalgia.
But use it to praise God’s goodness, not a romanticized past.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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