Contra Mundum

Chuck Colson & Timothy George

Chuck Colson & Timothy George

Charles Colson was the founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries, an outreach to convicts, victims of crime, and justice officers. Colson, who converted to Christianity before he was indicted on Watergate-related charges, became one of evangelicalism's most influential voices. His books included Born Again and How Now Shall We Live? A Christianity Today columnist since 1985, Colson died in 2012.

Timothy George is the dean of Beeson Divinity School at Samford University and a member of Christianity Today's Editorial Council. His books include Reading Scripture with the Reformers and Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? Like Colson, George has been heavily involved in the Evangelicals and Catholics Together discussions. George began cowriting "Contra Mundum" with Colson in 2011.

Why Evangelicals Can Gladly Join Arms With the New Catholic Leader
Our Francis, Too
Why we can enthusiastically join arms with the Catholic leader.
Catholics and Baptists Together
Catholics and Baptists Together
The recent synod of bishops sounded notes Protestants can sing.
The Man Who Birthed Evangelicalism
The Man Who Birthed Evangelicalism
Carl Henry's complex legacy, 100 years after his birth.
Sacrilege Is Real
Sacrilege Is Real
Why so many Christians saw Pussy Riot's Russia stunt as more than a protest.
Against the Stream
Against the Stream
Chuck Colson had a prophetic voice because he first had a servant's heart.
Charles Colson & Timothy George: Churchless Jesus
Charles Colson & Timothy George: Churchless Jesus
A viral video is a symptom of our spiritual malaise, but not the cure.
Chuck Colson: Evangelicals Should Be Uniters, Not Dividers
Chuck Colson: Evangelicals Should Be Uniters, Not Dividers
Why evangelicals need to redefine themselves and reform the whole church.
Education Is in Our DNA
Education Is in Our DNA
We should support every effort to upgrade our failing schools.
Colson & George: Real Happiness
Real Happiness: Colson and George Bemoan our National Virtue Deficit
Where a people abandons virtue, government steps in.
Civility Under Fire
Civility Under Fire: Chuck Colson & Timothy George Revive MLK's Legacy
Dr. King's response to critical clergy is full of lessons for today.
Colson/George on an Alliance
An Improbable Alliance
Catholics and evangelicals used to fight over religious liberty. Not anymore.
Colson: Doctrinal Boot Camp
Doctrinal Boot Camp
Conforming to the truth of the faith is necessary for survival.
Colson on Christmas
A Cosmic Culmination
Recalling the earth-shaking, kingdom-sized message of Christmas.
Colson's Call to Action
We Must Not Despair
It's not the time to withdraw from politics.
The Lost Art of Commitment
Why we're afraid of it, and why we shouldn't be.
Who Are Americans?
What Christians contribute to the search for a national identity.
Channeling the Populist Rage
How should we respond to the loss of confidence in the government?
Charles Colson: Valentine's Dynamic Love
Valentine's Dynamic Love
Our love is most godly when it is against the world for the world.
Chuck Colson: The Problem of Goodness
The Problem of Goodness
It's not just the problem of evil that baffles the secularist.
Colson: When Atheists Believe
When Atheists Believe
The confounding attraction of the Christian worldview.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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