The Dick Staub Interview

Dick Staub

Dick Staub was host of a eponymous daily radio show on Seattle's KGNW and is the author of Too Christian, Too Pagan and The Culturally Savvy Christian. He currently runs The Kindlings, an effort to rekindle the creative, intellectual, and spiritual legacy of Christians in culture. His interviews appeared weekly on our site from 2002 to 2004.

Driving to Paradise
David Brooks, author of On Paradise Drive, says Americans are on a spiritual search for paradise, and Christians need to supply the language for the search.
The Ascetic American Dream
David Matzko McCarthy, author of The Good Life: Genuine Christianity for the Middle Class, talks about the wealth and the poverty of the American middle class.
Dick Staub Interview: Finding God in the Questions
ABC News Medical Editor, Dr. Timothy Johnson, decided to rethink his faith and found God by asking questions.
Dick Staub Interview: Art Lindsley Says Truth Is True—and Absolute
The author of True Truth believes Christians shouldn't be post-modern, modern, relativist, or absolutist.
Craig Barnes Is Getting Restless
The author of Sacred Thirst says modern life is nomadic, and we are all searching for a home we can't find on earth.
Serving God Without God
The author of Running on Empty discusses his life in ministry with and without a walk with God.
Heidi Neumark Transfigures the Bronx for some Breathing Space
After spending 20 years as pastor of a church in the Bronx, Heidi Neumark realized that sometimes people just need some room to breathe.
Transforming Culture into God's Image
Gregory Wolfe, author of Intruding Upon the Timeless, has opted out of the culture wars in order to build a Christian culture for others to imitate.
William Dembski's Revolution
The author of Intelligent Design set out to answer the toughest questions about the movement he helped promote.
China's Christian Syndrome
David Aikman, author of Jesus in Beijing, says in 20 years Christians could have a major impact on China, and that could change the world.
Ravi Zacharias's Wonderful World
The author of Jesus Among Other Gods explores God's gift of awe.
Lauren Winner's Faith Still a Bit Jewish
The author of Girl Meets God discusses the Jewish habits that inform her Christianity
Mary Poplin Calls Claremont Her Calcutta
"After seeking God through telepathic spoon bending exercises, this professor found God, and with the help of Mother Teresa, her calling"
Michael Card Discovers St. Peter
The musician decided to talk less in concert and more in print. Card says sinking is more important than walking on the water
Pursuing God and Community
A self-described nerd says pursuing God and community is possible through commitment
John Eldredge Is Wild at Heart
The author of Wild at Heart and The Sacred Romance discusses rediscovering the Gospel through a ransomed heart.
Gordon Smith Hears the Voice of Jesus
The author of The Voice of Jesus talks about listening to God with discernment
Francis Bok Is Proof that Slavery Still Exists
"After spending 10 years in slavery, the young Sudanese man is telling his story to the world"
Sheila Walsh Says Stop
"The author, singer, and popular speaker talks about learning to put praise above performance"
Why Frederica Mathewes-Green Loves Icons
"Yes, we ask the saints to pray for us, she says. They are still living members of the church after all."

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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