Editor's Note

The Bots and the Bees
Following Jesus in our AI era.
The Hard Work of Healing
What does it look like to live reconciliation?
Our May/June Issue: Ministry Across the Generations
CT staff share experiences being pastors’ kids and missionary kids.
Our April Issue: What God Gives Us
May Easter spur us to action.
Our March Issue: Illumination and Illusion
Heeding the testimony of the church in Ukraine.
Our Jan/Feb Issue: The Reading Life in a Tweeting Age
A look inside our books issue.
Our December Issue: We Wonder as We Wander
All of us come to the manger as pilgrims.
Our November Issue: What Happens When We Testify
The bold witness our CT reporter encountered in Buffalo.
Found on Bushes? No!
Wisdom from CT’s first managing editor, and gifts of its latest ones.
Our September Issue: Modeling Home
Can Christians show the world better forms of community?
Our July/August Issue: War Stories
Amid the ashes, beauty stands out.
Our May/June Issue: The Cold Wind of Ministry
Do we know what our pastors are up against?
Our April Issue: How Place Shapes Church
Congregations can’t entirely be separated from the ground they occupy.
Our March Issue: Defining Deconstruction
Why attempts at a synonym fail.
Our Jan/Feb Issue: Words in the Wild
Our books issue offers a jungle of Christian ideas to lose yourself in.
Our December Issue: When God’s Word is Silent
The Gospels don’t tell us what we don’t need to know.
Our November Issue: Worship With Benefits
Historically, Americans really liked church.
Our September Issue: This Present Fiction
Before American Christians were known for writing pop fiction, they were known for disliking it.
Our September Issue: Hope Beyond the Headlines
In Afghanistan as elsewhere, there is more than meets the media’s eye.
Our July/August Issue: The Cynic’s Life Raft
How we ask questions matters as much as what we ask.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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