Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey is editor at large of Christianity Today and cochair of the editorial board for Books and Culture. Yancey's most recent book is What Good Is God?: In Search of a Faith That Matters. His other books include Prayer (2006), Rumors of Another World (2003), Reaching for the Invisible God (2000), The Bible Jesus Read (1999), What's So Amazing About Grace? (1998), The Jesus I Never Knew (1995), Where is God When It Hurts (1990), and many others. His Christianity Today column ran from 1985 to 2009.

Philip Yancey Bids <i>Adieu</i> to His CT Column
'O, Evangelicos!'
We need not abandon our name—just live up to it.
Philip Yancey: Intensive Care Week
Intensive Care Week
Thoughts while sitting beside my brother as his brain and body failed.
A Whole Good World Outside
A Whole Good World Outside
Opening our blinds to the prevailing wonder of creation.
Philip Yancey: Surveying the Wondrous Cross
Surveying the Wondrous Cross
Understanding the Atonement is about more than grasping a theory.
Escaping the Bullets
A speaking tour in India led to a few close calls.
Yancey: On the Grand Canyon Bus
On the Grand Canyon Bus
The Christian life is about the journey as well as the destination.
Yancey: Ongoing Incarnation
Ongoing Incarnation
Would Christmas have come even if we had not sinned?
Yancey: Wesley's England
Traveling with Wesley
A recent trip to England brought home rich insights on wealth.
Yancey: God's Writing Life
God's Writing Life
Our Creator has chosen a medium that is the most challenging of all.
Yancey: It's Not About the Crusades
It's Not About the Crusades
The clash with Islam is over new global realities.
Big Picture Evangelicalism
Not What It Seems
A bird's-eye view of contemporary evangelicalism.
The Herods and the Gospel
A Tale of Five Herods
If you had five minutes with the President, what would you say?
Applying Bonhoeffer's Principle to the Middle East
Middle East Morass
Learning to regard people in light of what they suffer.
Yancey: Grappling with God
Grappling with God
Prayer sometimes feels like a hug and a stranglehold at the same time.
Postcard from Africa
Postcard from Africa
Where hope and despair live side by side.
The Lure of Theocracy
The Lure of Theocracy
As we flee decadence, we must watch where we step.
A Long, Warm Glow
A Long, Warm Glow
A respected evangelical elder on the life of faith.
For God's Sake
For God's Sake
What 147 elk taught me about prayer.
The Word on the Street
The Word on the Street
What the homeless taught me about prayer.
Exploring a Parallel Universe
Exploring a Parallel Universe
Why does the word evangelical threaten so many people in our culture?

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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