Open Question

Is It Robbing God to Tithe on Your After-Tax (Not Gross) Income?
The Israelites were never subject to withholding upward of 15 percent.
Should Christians Confront Mormon Missionaries When They Knock on the Front Door?
Three views.
Which False Teachings Are Evangelical Christians Most Tempted to Believe In?
Hidden heresies come in many shapes and sizes.
Should I Attend the Wedding of a Gay Friend or Family Member?
The invitation will come soon enough. Four views.
Three Views: After Domestic Violence, Why Should a Christian Wife Call the Police, Not a Pastor, First?
Addressing a sin that afflicts 1 in 4 US women.
What Forgotten Christmas Tradition Should Churches Revive?
Rooting our celebration of Christ’s birth more deeply in our lives.
Can Worship Leaders and Musicians Resist the Temptation to 'Perform'?
Three views on how to keep church services from becoming like American Idol.
Three Views: Do the Common Core Education Standards Endanger Religious Freedom?
Why a nationwide standard for classrooms may cause concern.
Three Views: Should Christians Resist Greater Government Surveillance?
In the era of massive data collection, Uncle Sam snoops on a grand scale.
Three Views: Would Jesus Hang Out in a Strip Club?
Testing the boundaries of outreach evangelism.
What Sermon Illustrations Should Be Banned From Pulpits?
Not every story helps the preaching moment. Three views.
When Should an Overseas Missionary Pay a Bribe?
Widespread corruption presents ethical dilemma for outreach. Four views.
Three Views: If a Cure for Down Syndrome Is Found, Should Parents Accept It?
To many families, the limitations are no match for love.
Three Views: How Can Churches Reach Nominal Believers Before They Become 'Nones'?
Experts discuss how to prevent nominal Christians from leaving the faith.
Three Views: Is the $17 Trillion Federal Debt Immoral?
When a country borrows this much in excess, it risks spiritual bankruptcy.
Three Views: Why Confess Sins in Worship When It Seems So Rote?
How the habit heals us.
Should Christians Read the Qur'an?
Whether or not to immerse ourselves in Islam’s holy book.
How Can Churches Best Support Parents Who Adopt from Overseas?
There are no easy formulas. Three views.
Should Yoga be Banned from Public Schools as a Religious Activity?
Three views on a possible church-state stretch.
How Should Churches and Seminaries Respond to Immigrant Pastors Who Minister in the US Illegally?
Three views on foreign-born preachers in the pulpit.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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