Christian History Corner

Ministries of Mercy: Mother Teresa
She stirred a generation by touching the untouchables.
When Billy Graham Went to New York City
His 1957 crusade proved to be a historic confrontation with segregation, fundamentalism, and mainline theology.
Pure & Simple
An insider's account of the Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren people's churches.
Pope's Bodyguards Turn 500
The story behind the Swiss Guards.
Delighted by Doctrine
Historian Jaroslav Pelikan (1923-2006) thought theology was too important to be left to the theologians.
Classic Faith for Modern Times: Thomas à Kempis
"What Good Is Knowledge Without Fear of God?"
How We Worship
An ambitious new book takes us into the diverse world of Christian worship practices from the early church to today.
How the Early Christians Worshipped
What did Christians really believe before the council of Nicaea?
Sweet Charity
The Quakers behind Cadbury chocolate.
How We All Think Like Augustine
Take a mind-blowing journey with the great philosopher-saint in this audio course from the Teaching Company.
A Complicated, Consequential Leader
Michael Kazin's recent biography of Williams Jennings Bryan introduces the 'Great Commoner' to a new generation.
Martyrs to the Spear
Fifty years after five missionaries were murdered in Ecuador, their story still inspires.
A Pen in God's Hand
Richard Baxter wrote, preached, taught, and visited his way to become the model pastor.
For Sentimental Reasons
How the emotional stories of Christian preachers and writers shaped a movement.
Blessing the Church with its History
Douglas Sweeney argues for an evangelical movement that welcomes diversity and repents of its blind spots.
A Politician Explains the Faith
One hundred fifty years before C. S. Lewis, William Wilberforce wrote the 'Mere Christianity' of his time.
N.Y. Court: Religious Groups Must Pay for Contraceptives
Plus: Human-rabbit chimeras, Catholic bishops push for Iraq withdrawal, more on Judas, Pat the "prophet," and other stories from online sources around the world.
Erasmus's Revolutionary 'Study Bible'
The spiritual father of so many English Reformers died at the hands of the church he refused to leave.
Campus Ministry Cambridge Style
The roots of InterVarsity and other evangelical college clubs.
Physicians of the Soul
J. I. Packer discusses the English Puritans, their quest for holiness, and why they are still worth remembering.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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