November (Web-only) 2023

American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation
American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation
Christians can love America—with all of its flaws and failures—precisely because we don’t expect it to be the kingdom of God.
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.
Christians Can’t Fix the Israel-Hamas War
Christians Can’t Fix the Israel-Hamas War
Jesus could end this crisis. His followers almost certainly can’t.
Chinese House Churches Find Hope for Gospel Growth Amid Post-Pandemic Turmoil
Chinese House Churches Find Hope for Gospel Growth Amid Post-Pandemic Turmoil
As China deals with economic woes, religious restrictions, and mass exodus, ministries see an opportunity.
Theology of Provocation: Portuguese Pastor Explains Why ‘Everything I Do Is Clickbait’
Theology of Provocation: Portuguese Pastor Explains Why ‘Everything I Do Is Clickbait’
Tiago Cavaco insists he has a greater purpose than entertaining, amusing, or trolling Christians.
The Imprudence of ‘Dump Them’
The Imprudence of ‘Dump Them’
Online pop psychology has a simple solution to every relationship problem. Love and prudence call us to something messier—and better.
The Dangers of a Psychedelic Gospel
The Dangers of a Psychedelic Gospel
Psychotropic drugs are often marketed as a gateway to spiritual encounters. But what are the risks to believers?
People Say Worship Music All Sounds the Same. They Might Mean Something Else.
People Say Worship Music All Sounds the Same. They Might Mean Something Else.
Complaints about the emerging genre may have to do with the discomfort with monoculture surrounding it.
Keeping—and Learning—the Peace
Keeping—and Learning—the Peace
An American Christian’s view of US-Taiwan-China relations and what to do in the event of war.
Maybe Your Women’s Ministry Needs More Crafts, Not Less
Maybe Your Women’s Ministry Needs More Crafts, Not Less
Many biblical characters, including Jesus himself, worked with their hands. Why shouldn’t we?
It’s Tempting to Rely on the IDF. But My Hope Is Messiah Yeshua.
It’s Tempting to Rely on the IDF. But My Hope Is Messiah Yeshua.
Amid chaos in Israel, I will trust in the Lord.
I Do Belong; Help My Unbelonging
I Do Belong; Help My Unbelonging
Making disciples in a secular age requires retrieving an old catechetical pattern: belonging, believing, behaving.
Advent 2023: The Eternal King Arrives
The Eternal King Arrives - Digital Distribution
Distribute digital copies to your congregation!
Christianity Has Anchored Free Societies. What Happens as They Deconvert?
Christianity Has Anchored Free Societies. What Happens as They Deconvert?
Philosopher John Gray predicts we’re headed for an age of all-consuming moral warfare.
How to Combat the Conflict Entrepreneurs
How to Combat the Conflict Entrepreneurs
Pugilists can only succeed where there are willing customers. All of us can resolve to invest elsewhere.
I Promised God I’d Return to Haiti. As the US Opens Its Doors, It’s a Hard Promise to Keep.
I Promised God I’d Return to Haiti. As the US Opens Its Doors, It’s a Hard Promise to Keep.
I moved back after the earthquake and am determined to stay, even as my country’s circumstances are graver than ever before.
A Leader of India’s ‘Untouchables’ Considered Christianity and Found It Wanting
A Leader of India’s ‘Untouchables’ Considered Christianity and Found It Wanting
Why B.R. Ambedkar, a Dalit himself, ultimately embraced Buddhism as the faith best for him and his community.
I Started Attending Diwali Parties to Break Out of My Christian Bubble
I Started Attending Diwali Parties to Break Out of My Christian Bubble
I was raised in a vibrant Indian community. How I'm trying to build relationships with Hindu friends in America.
Get 50% off CT This Week Only
Get 50% off CT This Week Only
Pray for the Persecuted Church. But First Learn About It.
Pray for the Persecuted Church. But First Learn About It.
Amid rising persecution to Christians in the world, here are some stories that can guide your intercessions.
Meet the Zoomers’ Martin Luther
Meet the Zoomers’ Martin Luther
He plays Minecraft and talks church history on YouTube—and he’s organizing a new mainline reformation.
The Christian X-odus
The Christian X-odus
As faithful Twitter users drop the platform, writers, leaders, and ministries adapt to a new social landscape.
This War Shows the Weakness in Just War Theory
This War Shows the Weakness in Just War Theory
Many Christian responses to the Israel-Hamas conflict lean on just war theory. It’s well intentioned—but deeply flawed.
‘All the Light We Cannot See’ Reminds Me to Look for God
‘All the Light We Cannot See’ Reminds Me to Look for God
The novel and Netflix show explore scriptural themes of light and dark—and the cosmic reign of Christ.
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Lowest Price of the Year!
Your Calling Is Christ, Not Marriage
Your Calling Is Christ, Not Marriage
Paul’s advice to stay unmarried—like his advice for any circumstance—is about complete devotion to Christ.
When 6 Churches Became 180: Philippines Shows Need for Resilient Congregations
When 6 Churches Became 180: Philippines Shows Need for Resilient Congregations
The pandemic forced these 'polymorphic' churches to shift into house churches.
Sojourner Truth Was a ‘Double Woman’ in More Ways than One
Sojourner Truth Was a ‘Double Woman’ in More Ways than One
She championed both abolition and women’s rights. And she wasn’t afraid to challenge advocates of either cause.
The Debate over Concert Worship Goes Back Eras
The Debate over Concert Worship Goes Back Eras
Taylor Swift’s “transcendent” stadium tour got Christians once again talking about whether secular stages point us to God’s common grace or just another idol.
Campus Antisemitism and the Lessons of a Nazi-Occupied Church
Campus Antisemitism and the Lessons of a Nazi-Occupied Church
We do not love our “side” if we let it slide into movements that history and our consciences show lead to atrocities.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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