Prayer of Jabez

  • Spurgeon on Jabez
    Spurgeon on Jabez
    What history's most prolific preacher said, in 1871, about the Prayer of Jabez.
  • Mr. Jabez Goes to Africa
    Mr. Jabez Goes to Africa
    Bruce Wilkinson expands his borders to include racial reconciliation and HIV/AIDS
  • No Longer Left Behind
    No Longer Left Behind
    "An insider's look at how Christian books are agented, acquired, packaged, branded, and sold in today's marketplace."
  • Prayer After 9.11.01
    "The author of The Prayer of Jabez says now, more than ever, we need to seek God's power."
  • Significance in a Small Package
    Significance in a Small Package
    The Prayer of Jabez is already one of the best-selling religious books in history. Why?