The Lesser Kingdom

A prophetic, eclectic, and humble take on current issues, public policy, and political events with thoughts on faithful engagement.
Bonnie Kristian

Bonnie Kristian

Bonnie Kristian is the editorial director of ideas and books at Christianity Today. She is the author of Untrustworthy: The Knowledge Crisis Breaking Our Brains, Polluting Our Politics, and Corrupting Christian Community (2022) and A Flexible Faith: Rethinking What It Means to Follow Jesus Today (2018) and a fellow at Defense Priorities, a foreign policy think tank. Bonnie has been widely published at outlets including The New York Times, The Week, CNN, USA Today, Politico, The New Atlantis, Reason, The Daily Beast, and The American Conservative. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband, daughter, and twin sons.

Do Not Conform to the Work Habits of AI
Do Not Conform to the Work Habits of AI
Robots will come for our jobs if we do our jobs like robots.
What a Twitter Spat Reveals about Public Religion in America
What a Twitter Spat Reveals about Public Religion in America
A Republican lawmaker called a Christian tweet “bigoted.” Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar came to religious liberty’s defense.
When AI Goes to War
When AI Goes to War
I wish ‘Judeo-Christian norms’ were enough to ensure ethical AI warfare. They’re not.
Left Behind at the Ballot Box
Left Behind at the Ballot Box
Our view of the end times should affect our politics. But how?
The Spiritual Battle of Teen Screen Time
The Spiritual Battle of Teen Screen Time
Kids’ addictions to their phones isn’t a legislative issue. It’s a discipleship one.
Ron DeSantis’s Campaign Christianity
Ron DeSantis’s Campaign Christianity
Can the creator of “God Made a Fighter” political ads woo evangelicals from Trump?
Can the United States Be ‘Forgiven Our Debts’?
Can the United States Be ‘Forgiven Our Debts’?
Even if the debt ceiling resolves, we should consider future generations.
These States Are Devouring Widows’ Houses
These States Are Devouring Widows’ Houses
A recent Supreme Court case reveals the injustice of property-tax debt forfeiture.
America’s Brash Grandiosity
America’s Brash Grandiosity
Looking to the monarchy can show us the pitfalls of prideful politics.
King Solomon’s Advice to Americans in 2023
King Solomon’s Advice to Americans in 2023
Thirty proverbs on power, justice, and politics.
Why Are We So Cynical About Peace on Earth?
Why Are We So Cynical About Peace on Earth?
Many evangelicals believe war is inevitable. But that shouldn’t stop us from praying for peace.
It’s Okay to Cram Before Election Day
It’s Okay to Cram Before Election Day
Our vote is not the reason for the hope we have.
Herschel Walker and the Platform of Cheap Grace
Herschel Walker and the Platform of Cheap Grace
Christians believe in mercy amidst moral failing. But how then should we vote?
Political Empathy Takes Work
Political Empathy Takes Work
Developing our theory of mind can help us understand the “other.”
Should Christians Vote?
Should Christians Vote?
Four questions to ask about biblical political engagement.
Don’t Run for the School Board
Don’t Run for the School Board
Education is important. But the answer lies in family discipleship, not culture wars.
Blessed Are the Political Peacemakers
Blessed Are the Political Peacemakers
Experts warn political violence is coming. Christians can look to Scripture, not the American Revolution, for guidance.
Can We Resurrect Expertise?
Can We Resurrect Expertise?
Suspicion of and pride from authority figures are not virtues.
Evangelicals Can Agree: We’re Women, not ‘Bodies with Vaginas’
Evangelicals Can Agree: We’re Women, not ‘Bodies with Vaginas’
To verbally dismember women is denigration, not inclusion.
The Confusion in Our Free Speech Debate
The Confusion in Our Free Speech Debate
Sometimes, freedom. Sometimes, moderation. Always, love.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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