Beginning of Wisdom

The Beginning of Wisdom offers a Bible teacher's perspective on spiritual growth and scriptural study in our churches, small groups, and families.
Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin is a wife, mom, and Bible teacher. She is the author of Women of the Word and None Like Him. She tweets @jenniferwilkin.

Honor Thy Church Mothers—with Wages
Honor Thy Church Mothers—with Wages
Despite their crucial role in congregational life, 83 percent of women’s ministry leaders remain unpaid.
The Christian Life Is Wishful Thinking
The Christian Life Is Wishful Thinking
What we want for ourselves becomes what we offer to others.
Knowing the Future Doesn’t Cure Anxiety
Knowing the Future Doesn’t Cure Anxiety
Our true comfort comes in trusting in the one who holds tomorrow.
Our Advent Waiting Goes Back to Eden
Our Advent Waiting Goes Back to Eden
At just the right time, God fulfills his promise.
Come On, Let Us Adore Him
Come On, Let Us Adore Him
Too many of our prayers rush past praise.
The Unexpected Parenting Comfort of Ecclesiastes
The Unexpected Parenting Comfort of Ecclesiastes
When the world calls everything unprecedented, God’s provision remains unchanging.
Don’t Expect Instant Gratification from Your ‘Quiet Time’
Don’t Expect Instant Gratification from Your ‘Quiet Time’
Fifteen minutes of Bible reading may not turn every day around, but it’ll yield fruit at the right time.
Churchgoers May Remember Song Lyrics Over Sermon Quotes
Churchgoers May Remember Song Lyrics Over Sermon Quotes
So let’s make sure we’re teaching sound doctrine in worship.
Why Christians Keep Preaching to Themselves
Why Christians Keep Preaching to Themselves
Sanctification, while certain, is not sudden.
Let the Little Children Come to ‘Big Church’
Let the Little Children Come to ‘Big Church’
One lesson from COVID-19: Don’t underestimate the model set by worshiping alongside your kids.
Scriptural Meditation Promises Something Better than Zen
Scriptural Meditation Promises Something Better than Zen
Christians don’t need mysticism or quiet emptiness for the illumination that comes through repetition.
God’s Mercies Redeem Our Guilty Mornings
God’s Mercies Redeem Our Guilty Mornings
Like Peter, we too are offered freedom, though we deny him.
Your Devotional Is Not a Bible
Your Devotional Is Not a Bible
Inspiration and comfort do not offer us the full weight and scope of God’s Word.
Want to Love Your Neighbor? Start By Fighting Your Own Sin.
Want to Love Your Neighbor? Start By Fighting Your Own Sin.
When we “make every effort to be holy,” it works toward the common good.
Let Bible Reading Get Back to Basics
Let Bible Reading Get Back to Basics
The best tools and strategies are deceptively simple.
God Will Not Speak to You Through Skywriting
God Will Not Speak to You Through Skywriting
Our desperate pleas for a clear sign from the heavens may be answered already.
The Cross Is Our Stairway to Heaven
The Cross Is Our Stairway to Heaven
Our salvation comes not from someone on our level, but from someone infinitely above it.
5 Tips for Training Little Evangelists
5 Tips for Training Little Evangelists
Faithful speech doesn’t need to rely on formulas.
Can We Finally Break the Silence Around Tamar?
Can We Finally Break the Silence Around Tamar?
Telling the uncomfortable story of “desolate” Tamar positions us to show a kind of compassion King David didn’t.
Who Says Social Media Can’t Make You Wise?
Who Says Social Media Can’t Make You Wise?
Done right, Facebook offers a chance for discernment and connection.

Top Story November 18, 2023

As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.

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