Robertson McQuilkin

  • <em>Darkness Is My Only Companion</em>
    Darkness Is My Only Companion
    Psychotherapy that uses Scripture without ignoring science.
  • Lost Missions
    Lost Missions
    Whatever happened to the idea of rescuing people from hell?
  • The Gradual Grief of Alzheimer's
    The Gradual Grief of Alzheimer's
    Robertson McQuilkin reflects on his wife's long battle with Alzheimer's.
  • Living by Vows
    As his wife suffered with Alzheimer's, Robertson McQuilkin said, If I took care of her for 40 years, I would never be out of her debt.
  • Muriel's Blessing
    Despite the toll of his wife's Alzheimer's, a husband marvels at the mystery of love.
  • Stop Spending Money!
    Stop Spending Money!
    Breaking the cycle of missions dependency.
  • Just As He Is
    Just As He Is
    Two books highlight why Billy Graham is the 'man of thecentury.'
  • ARTICLE: Muriel’s Blessing
    ARTICLE: Muriel’s Blessing
  • When Is a Missionary Not a Missionary?: Defining the Nature of God’s Special Call